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VF-188 L
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Image Title:  VF-188 L
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 By: Joćo F * Photography  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Joćo F * Photography  Joćo F * Photography {Karma:41945}
Project #41 Perspective Camera Model dynax 9xi
Categories Seascapes
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Lens 28-105mm
Uploaded 3/22/2006 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Superia Reala
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1136 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 80 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  S.Miguel
State -  CALOURA
Country - Portugal   Portugal
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Joćo F *

Un camino al infinito !!!.



á r v o r e s # 23


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le due "zone"

There are 80 Comments in 1 Pages
Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 5/30/2006
Howie tank you for your great support my friend i realy apreciate !!


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 5/30/2006
Well deserved on the BIP love the perspective. Excellent capture.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 4/11/2006
Dave tank you for your kind of words my friend i realy apreciate it!!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 4/11/2006
Wonderful perspective and colours here, Joao! Very nice composition, too!
Congratulations on the BIP award, too!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/31/2006
Larissa tank you for your kind of words.I realy apreciate my friend.


Larissa Nazarova Larissa Nazarova   {K:12118} 3/31/2006
Congratulations with BIP! Great angle of view, great composition.
My regards, LArissa


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/29/2006
Dear Joggie tank you for your kind of words iam glading for you like it my friend.
Alllof the best for you


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 3/29/2006
Lovely series on the boats Joao. I like the way you explore the different angles. This one stood out for me. Great angle, composition and colour. Well deserved BIP!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/28/2006
Tank you dear friend Subhash i am realy happy for you like it.


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 3/28/2006
Congratulations my friend you deserve it ,love,subhash.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/27/2006
Muito obrigado Leonardo.
um abraēo amigo


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 3/27/2006
Excelente foto Joćo, merecedora do prźmio!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/25/2006
C.C. Obrigado a todos...


Carlos Carpinteiro Carlos Carpinteiro   {K:1563} 3/25/2006
Estamos aqui em famķlia a ver as tuas fotos....Abraēos e beijos.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/25/2006
Shaimaa tank you my friend!


Shaimaa ElWassimy Shaimaa ElWassimy   {K:1988} 3/25/2006
Great angle


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/24/2006
Caro Tiago muito obbrigado realment este porto é fabuloso.


Tiago Pacheco   {K:208} 3/24/2006
pararabens joao, foste fotografar ao "meu" porto da caloura, e conseguiste uma distinēao.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/24/2006
Tank you for you kind of words here in my photo i am glad you like it dear Ciprian.
all of the best my friend


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 3/24/2006
Beautifully done; great tonal range and composition!



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank youdear frien Eb.


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 3/23/2006
Well done, Joao! Persistence with a theme does pay off and the award is well deserved.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Romy my friend; tank you so much for your kind of words in my photo, i am very happy with you like it!!!
Felicitaciones y Saludos para ti tanbien.


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 3/23/2006
un gran trabajo, un bellisimo resultado y un merecido reconocimiento de usefilm
Felicitaciones y Saludos


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank you my frien Tai,,,;)!!!


Tai Dao   {K:416} 3/23/2006
well done Joao:)congratulations!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank you dear frind Nigel!!!


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 3/23/2006
Congratualtions and great photograph


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Muytas grįcias amiga Ruthdrioja!!!


r u t h   d  r io r u t h  d r io   {K:4339} 3/23/2006
bonitos colorees, felicidades Joao!!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank you dear Moe....;)!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
...;)Tank you dear Elisa for your nice words ...;)!!
all of the best for you


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank you Piero for your kind of words here...;)!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Dear mohamed tank you !
all the best for you my friend.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Tank you dear Rafe is with great pleasure i put my comments in your photos, and tank you for your kind of words here.
all of the best


Moe Rabie Moe Rabie   {K:4390} 3/23/2006
excellent angle, nice colours, my best regards my friend .


NN  NN     {K:26787} 3/23/2006
Hi Joćo! CONGRATULATIONS, dear friend! Very good angle, and the rope just screams for somebody to take the boat to the sea :) Excellent work!


Piero Somma Piero Somma   {K:13399} 3/23/2006
yes, very BIP...well deserved!...fantastic perspective and contrast....congratulation


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 3/23/2006


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 3/23/2006
Congratulations! well deserved. The perspective is indeed overwhelming.
Thank you for your very kind coments on my photos.
Best regards,


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/23/2006
Dear Davide tank you so much for your kind of words here my friend...;)!!!
All the best for you


davide lupo-pasini davide lupo-pasini   {K:8079} 3/23/2006
hi, my friend!
i agree with hugo!
a so distorted point of view, intentional or not, eliminate any possible staticism from this shot!
almost nothing is straight on this pic; from the rope, to the poles... add the beautiful colors and the good DOF... u obtain a really well deserved award!
congrats, my friend!
and go on!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Dear Hugo tank you for your your comment here i realy apreciare my friend!!!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/22/2006
Hi Joao, I think two things in this photo manage to pull it out of the ordinarly: One being the deliberate tilt, making an optimal use of the diagonals, and secondly the low point of view, adding to the dynamism and perspective. Very well captured, and a excellent approach. My compliments! A well deserved BIP!




Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you again dear Vanessa !!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
I realy apreciat your words here tnk you dear friend Vaness!



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Simone ,i have tried to reply to your comment in so bad italian lunguage..;)!!!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Cara amici Simone resto mutlto grato per tei comentari repleto de sinceritį.Complimenti



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Dear Fatemeh , tank you for your kind of words here in my photo, i realy apreciate it.
Sincerely my best reagards.



Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 3/22/2006
Excellent composition! Marvelous shot! It is very worthy for the award you’ve received! Congratulation!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Roberto muito obrigado pelas suas palavrasas quaismuitoapreciao caro amigo, e fico feliz por ter gostado destafoto.
Um abraēo


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 3/22/2006
Excelente captura Joćo!
Lindas cores e perspectiva!
Parabéns pelo merecido BIP!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Glenn dear friend tank you a lot for your kind of words....;)!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Sofia muito obrigado pelas suas palavras agradįveis...;)!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Selami tank you dear friend for your nice words here.
beat regards


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Karina tank you so much.


Glenn Morgan Glenn Morgan   {K:1029} 3/22/2006
Hi Joao, Been looking through all your recent photos & congratulations on this one. CU Glenn


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Vanessa!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Grįcia tanto carķssima amici Simone.complimenti


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Joe my friend tank you so much for your kind of“s an honour for me your all support, tank you again.



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear jeanette for your words ...;D) i realy apreciate my friend.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Petal for your comment and sugestion about this picture...,i realy apreciate your words and this is the best way i have to learn more things in photography.I am very happy for you like it and is an honour for your time in see my portofolio....;D!!!


Sofia Alves   {K:1343} 3/22/2006
Bela foto! Os meus parabéns pelo bip, mais do que merecido! Sofia


selami Torun   {K:9397} 3/22/2006
Wooooww !!!!!! Joao Congratulations!!!!! BIP !!! ::::))))))))
very great capture , wonderful details , contrast and colors.......
Thanks for your comment :-)

Best Regards


Karina Brys Karina Brys   {K:16541} 3/22/2006
Congrats on your BIP Joäo!


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 3/22/2006
Great colour and detail ..a well deserved award..nessa


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 3/22/2006
Complimenti per il meritatissio premio. Veramente una bella foto.


Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 3/22/2006

Congrats my friend! Very well deserved! This is a great series! ...and being honored with a 'perspective' award for this is an amazing accomplishment!

Nice work!



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 3/22/2006
Nice mood here and for me the perspective are "double", cause they are not in the water ... another perspective and low one .)



Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 3/22/2006
A BIP, hip, hip, hoorah... ;-D!!! Love the colors, great perspective, good crop and composition (really like it how you've tilted the horizon to get the boat into the shot)... well done!!! I agree with Joel about the bright orange life preserver... I would've cropped it of and I would've liked it for the oar to be in the frame completely... but that's me... ;-D


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
I am very happy my dear friend Debasish...;D!Tank you a lot for your all great support to me i realy apreciate.
all of the best for you and you family


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Nr...;D)i am very happy for you like it my friend!


Debasish Ghosh Debasish Ghosh   {K:5526} 3/22/2006
Congratulations on your award. You always deserve it. Excellent perspective. The rope in front gives a sense of stability. Great coloours and details.
A welldeserved award. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes.


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 3/22/2006
beautiful angle again in capturing this boat, nice composition with nice diagonal lines..
well done Jaoa..


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Joel i must say that an great honor for me tha you like my analyze my photos with an great senssibility, and i learn many small things in you comments.Tank you i realy apreciate my friend Joel.
All the best for you



Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Tank you dear Ahmed i“m happy for you like it.
allof the best my friend


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/22/2006
Grįcias Alicia es muy poetica.


Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 3/22/2006
Colors are fantastic! (gotta love film!)

I dno't know why, but I am drawn to the rope on the ground. *that* alone would make a wonderful composition!

You have nailed a great series of images! The colors of the sky are so amazing! I must say, the one thing that takes me out of loving this image, is the life preserver on the right edge of frame. It's such a brassy orange, that it pulls me away from the colors of Portugal on the boat.

Beautiful colors Joćo! well done!



Ahmed Effat Ahmed Effat   {K:228} 3/22/2006
Excellent Prespective, well done joao


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 3/22/2006
No sé por qué llaman tanto mi atención los aparejos de pesca... serį por una canción que me emociona cada vez que la escucho?.
Tu foto una belleza , excelente perspectiva, colores detalles. Felicitaciones!




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