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{K:9196} 12/14/2006
Oh, these are all adorable child shots Elena. :)
What sweeties. :) They just make you smile. Very nice work.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/13/2006
happy Xmas time my dear roby
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/3/2006
..i hope all is ok.. is so much time that i dn't see you!!! a nice pastel and clear light (of flash?).. lovely.. roby
have all the best.. hugs
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 3/16/2006
Lena, privet! it's the precious portrait of small miracle! Kak zje tebe zdorovo udautsya detskie portrety. A v cherno-belom variante napomnilo mne 70-e gody. Ochen trogatel'no i nezjno! Vsego tebe samogo- presamogo _Andrei_
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 3/8/2006
Privet! Takaja chudesnaja fotografija! AMAZING PORTRAIT! Yes, I really like this colour ver. more, don't know why, but more...such wonderful colours, such great expression! YOU ARE the BEST!!! Kiss! ALexey. Razreshi tebia Pozdravit' S 8 Marta! Ne uveren, chto u vas tam eto Takoy zhe VELIKIY PRAZDNIK, kak Zdes'! Pravda Uveren, chto Tvoi Muzhchiny Nosiat Tebia na Rukah i po budnjam! :-) Da BUDET TAK! Radosti i Schast'ja, Udachi i Blagopoluchija! Pust' vsegda na dushe budet spokoyno za svoih Blizkih!!! Tseluju! Alesha
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 3/7/2006
A cutie! She definitely knows how to pose. A hug for her and one for you, dear friend.
{K:4565} 3/6/2006
wonderful portrait ..