Raffaello S.
{K:605} 3/27/2006
very nice as usaual!!!...
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 3/22/2006
Beautiful!!! I think the grainy effect here adds to the image. Very nice shot!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 3/3/2006
Very well done dear Naomi!I like it regards joćo
;o;o ;o;o;o
{K:4} 3/3/2006
AW-yES sUMmer; ""BEUTiful as aLwaYS"" yoUR eye'S teLL the stORY?!?!?! MiSSinG; R-yoUR commEnTS, PS, iTs kinDA wET HERE, "CALIFAS" LOL
Larry Donnelly
{K:644} 3/3/2006
Still winter here... Kansas the new spring break hotspot,and what are those eyes saying....
antonio nullus
{K:8540} 3/2/2006
Your'right,The summer is actually in her eyes! good. antonio.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/2/2006
The noise in this image seems as if it was repeatedly enlarged. I like the pose and strong clos-up, not fond of the noise, though.