for this one you have to turn up your monters conterst and britness all the way up that is how i set mine so a lot of my photos look to dark on line to a lot of people this photo is one that will defntly look to dark if it is not dun when i print these photos there righjt on the $$
nathan, your photoshop work tends to overpower your pictures. this is a good example of an interesting and subtle portrait that is not aided by the zoom-like effect overlaid onto it. you do a good job of catching complex, ambiguous expressions on young women's faces. i would prefer to see you work more on composition and concept (the idea behind the picture) than on manipulation. still and all, this is an interesting, engaging picture. i notice you use asa400 film: consider using a slower film to catch more detail, especially in the eyes. for portraits, i use ilford pan f (asa 50), which lets you see deeply into the eyes.