Thanks for the comments. Phillip and other's who would like to know, let me answer your lighting question.
First, in my book, there are no lighting "rules", only guidelines. I use my creative license when designing a photograph with a model and use the lighting to achieve the effect(s) I am after. In fashion lighting, as opposed to traditional portrait lighting, I believe it is fairly typical/common to use very flat lighting. The use of two softboxes in front of the model provides the flat lighting I wanted for this image. I was not interested in butterfly, loop, split, or any other "style" of lighting for this image.
Therefore, in order to realize my creative vision for this particular image, I desired to use two softboxes. Yes, there are two catchlights in the eyes. And, yes, I could have photoshop'd them out. Again, for creative reasons, I chose not to.
If you examine the front cover images of magazines like "Style", "Elle", Glamour", and "Vogue" you will see all kinds of catchlights; singles, doubles, and even triples where the model has been surrounded by light.
To some, more than one catchlight is bothersome; for others, no trouble at all. To each his own.
Hi John. Nice capture. The CL don't bother me as much as the stray hair around her mouth. So fair skinned that the black hair strainds bother me "a wee bit;)"
I do have one question. I have one Large Multidome SB which is quite adequate for light and wrap, especially shooting a H/S shot as this. Why are you using two? Using two just doubles those CL's....
Overall, I like the portrait a lot. Its got great detail and I like the way her hair frames her face. I also like the soft tones of her skin. I'm not a portrait photographer so I may be out of place for saying this, but I think there seems to be a bit too much light in her eyes. I find the large patches of light reflected in her eyes a bit distracting. However, I think this is quite good overall.