Laura Haw
{K:2696} 3/3/2006
Thanks for your comments Kelly. You're right on - one minute he's hugging, the next he's attacking :)
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 3/3/2006
Funny how little boys and dads rough house and play around. I don't remember how many times I've seen my brothers in this pose with my father. Nice candid shot. Kelly
Laura Haw
{K:2696} 2/23/2006
Alyssa, thanks for your comments. Another friend commented on the molding and actually someone else mentioned the darkness. I think I will do some modifications and repost. Thanks again!
Alyssa Ciavarra
{K:227} 2/23/2006
Hi Laura, It looks a little to dark to me. I like the pose, it's different. I think the wood molding in the background is distracting. Thank you for commenting on mine. Alyssa!
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 2/21/2006
Well composed and very touching photo. I too think that it is a touch dark.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 2/21/2006
Tierno y encantador retrato. Me gusta cómo has trabajado la luz. Felicitaciones!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/21/2006
Me parece un poco oscura, pero salvando eso es un hermoso retrato. Felicitaciones!