IMHO I think the pink in the snow really works well in this image. Complements the green in the trees, and it's very subdued. Might have cropped the foreground a little. But overall I really like the feel of this photo. (would be interesting in B&W too i think) Man I miss the snow sometimes.
Thanks, Paul. I was undecided about the pink too, and was originally inclined to make this B&W. But I found that I couldn't let go of the pink glow (which is from some streetlights on a nearby street). I actually ended up boosting the color saturation in post, to enhance it. I also did some very significant work on brightness and contrast. In answer to your question, I used the iso 100 setting, but did not adjust the white balance, so it was on auto. And the shutter speed listed is wrong - it was actually 5 seconds, not 10. Thanks again for your interest.
nice greg! there is alittle pink in the snow. Im not sure if it destracts or adds to the image. The more I look at it the more I like it. so maybe its adds! Anyways its a really great shot. mostly for it being dark. Just how dark was it at the time you took it and what camera settings did you use outside of aperture and shutter speed? Iso? white balance ect?