carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/10/2006
dear Marianna, glad u like it. thanks for your visit & comment. best wishes,
Marianna Santoni
{K:397} 2/10/2006
Very interesting use of color photography
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/6/2006
glad u like it dear Elisa. all my best,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/6/2006
evet oglu da yanindaydi hanimefendinin. begenmene cok sevindim hayatim... sevgiler,
{K:26787} 2/6/2006
Stunning eyes; very beautiful shot, Carlo!
- -
{K:10510} 2/6/2006
her yerinden disi oldugu belli bir kedi bu.. böyle bir zerafet, bir güzellik... beyazlarin icinde isildamis.. cok basarili bir portre calismasi.. teberikler Carlomcum..
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/3/2006
thans for kind comment dear Roby. Pallino is so cute :)) all my best,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/3/2006
thank u so much dear Art,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/3/2006
alip eve götüremedim maalesef :/ tesekkurler,
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 2/2/2006
nasil kaçirmisim bunu! tam bir snow white :) al eve götür cinsten bir güzellik bu. sen de çok iyi çekmissin Carlo.
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 2/2/2006
excellent capture, thank you for comment on (curiosity) regards art,.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/2/2006
wonderful, i love the cats.. i love this cat.. in my favs! i remember my old friend "pallino".. ciao roby 7+
one.. http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=165725
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 2/1/2006
thank u so much dear Ina, all my best,
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/31/2006
What a beautiful kitty, white on white! I love the color of her eyes and the pink nose and ears! Great picture, Carlo!
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/30/2006
grazie Piero, ciao,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/30/2006
:) thanks dear Jeanette,
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 1/30/2006
woooowwww, magic eyes...fantastic shot...I love to shot cats (but it's difficult!).... dreamlike!!! ciao
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/30/2006
so GREEN eye´s :)
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
thank u so much dear Luca, ciao,
Luca Luca®
{K:2429} 1/29/2006
this cat is fantastic!!and in the snow is more fantastic! fantastic shot
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
thank u so much dear Kholoud, best regards,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
dear Armando, thanks for your comment. take care ;)
kholoud M Al-Omani
{K:957} 1/29/2006
wonderful carlo:)
{K:42404} 1/29/2006
wonderful perfect shot my dear friend!!!
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
begenmene sevindim sevgili Beril, yorum icin tesekkurler, sevgiler,
{K:16} 1/29/2006
beyazin buyusu.. muthesem olmus tebrikler:) Beryl
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
thank u so much dear Alison, glad u like it. best wishes,
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 1/29/2006
Wonderful shot,love those eyes. a beautiful white on white. you have beautiful detail and wonderful tones. Alison
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
cok tesekkur ederim Tolgacim, begenmene cok sevindim ;)
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/29/2006
saolasin Onur Hocam, isim Perimden cikma. bu konuda da ona tesekkur etmek lazim :) begenmene sevindim. sevgiler,
Tolga Mirmirik
{K:102} 1/29/2006
Mükemmel yakalamışsın valla carlo. Super durmus kar ve kar ustundeki zumrut :) tebrikler surusune...
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 1/29/2006
Carlhocam, harikulade yakalamissin, isim en dogrusu olmus. ilk kez boyle gozler goruyorum kedide. Bravo!!! :)
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thanks for your comment Jason. I used Ps on her eyes, make the green color vivid. thanks for your interest, carlo
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thanks for your comment dear Liz. all my best,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thank u so much dear Gertrud. take care ;)
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thank u so much dear Paul, glad u like it. best wishes,
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 1/28/2006
superb eyes and comp Carlo...
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 1/28/2006
lovely portrait! her eyes are amazing! G.
Jason Mardell
{K:1113} 1/28/2006
That is a stunning pair of peepers on that cat - is that the actual colour? No PS or anything? I've never seen a cat with such vivid eyes - lovely
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/28/2006
White on white...very nice.
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
sen asil bunun yavrusunu gorecektin. tam firlama idi :))) sevgiler,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thanks for your comment dear Karina, glad u like it. best regards,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thank u so much dear Laphael, best wishes,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
grazie Pino, ciao,
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 1/28/2006
supermis bu ama :)))
so cutey:))
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 1/28/2006
Very nice cat photo Carlo.
laphael wang
{K:2318} 1/28/2006
Good work,I like cat and you capture the vivid moment cheers
Pino Nangano
{K:-151} 1/28/2006
An excellent shot with a beautiful contrast of white and cats'green eyes. Best regards Pino
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
sabah is cikisinda karsima cikti yavrusu ile beraber. velet iki dakika yerinde duramadi :/ bende annesini cektim :) begenmene sevindim. sevgiler,
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 1/28/2006
uwww! bu nedir bu??? muthisss! karin icinde daha da super! cok sevdim Carlo...
* * *
wonderful white composition and incredible eyes in here...
my compliments, tutku.
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
tesekkurler yorum icin, saygilar,
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 1/28/2006
thank u so much dear Alejandro. best wishes,
gezin burcakg
{K:207} 1/28/2006
sogugun icerisinde sicacik bi durus, muhtesem olmus...
Alejandro Gómez
{K:4270} 1/28/2006
Great work and very nice composition.