Kambiz K
{K:37420} 2/4/2006
A very beautiful composition with great lighting.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/29/2006
Wonderful blue sky and great landscape.best wishes nessa
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 1/27/2006
Oh yes Alberto, I do prefer it in colour..The mono version was very good toning, excellent in fact, but there is great detail visable in the colour version..Two good compositions my friend. Best wishes to you, 'see' you soon...Ray
Ninni Termine
{K:8990} 1/27/2006
Questa versione č sicuramente pių vivace e descrive pių fedelmente la scena, ottimo in particolare il cielo, tuttavia io penso che si adatti di pių a questa immagine l'atmosfera creata dal b&w, pių drammatica e intensa. Risultato parziale: bw 2 colore 1. Ciao Ninni
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 1/27/2006
For me it's the colour one. I just find it more pleasing overall. The b&w is darker, moodier. Either way, like Dennis said, well done!! Cheers, Gary
Dennis Hendricksen
{K:4817} 1/27/2006
Hello Alberto, Both pictures have their merit. I like the colour one because the strong blue contrasts with the muted colour of the mountain and buildings. I like the black and white because it brings out the way the shape of the buildings echo the shape of the mountain (which is not as noticable in this shot because my eyes keep getting drawn to the sky). So I guess it depends which aspect of the shot you want to emphasize. For my personal tastes I like the wonderful way the buildings match the shape of the mountain and thus I would choose the black and white version of this image. Either way well done!