Melony Lewis
{K:79} 1/18/2002
Chris, Atrer doing some research on this project and understanding it now, these are superb. Your style is all over the images. 2 is still my favorite.
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
Thanks Petros:) I just realized something... The film was pushed to 3200 and the last shot (no5) was at 1/30s. without a tripod. I am pretty amazed that I actually managed to pull it off. When scanned the negative at 1600 dpi the the sarpness is amazingly good. Not a lot of grain either.
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 1/15/2002
Chris, I've enjoyed the entire series. My favourite is still number 2. By the way, you are right about Al. He's everywhere :-)
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
Altaf is watching like a hawk! :))) Always here to give a great advice:)
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
And the last one... Little different.

Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
No 4.

Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 1/15/2002
Hey Chris, I couldn't wait for the other 3 pics to be uploaded. I just had to comment on your second one. It's fantastic! I also like the first one, but so far the second one is my favorite. Can't wait to see the remainder of the series :-)
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
No 3.

Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
No 3.
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
Cool! So here is no2:)

al shaikh
{K:15790} 1/15/2002
If you want to upload all 5, just upload them to this thread, you can add images here with no problem.
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
One a day, friend:) I just followed the link to your portfolio for the second time. (http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/l/lineimage/) Absolutely Amazing!
Ted Williams
{K:324} 1/15/2002
Killer. I could see this as the cover of a mailer for an edgy fashion designer. So where are the other 4?
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 1/15/2002
There will be five images.