Tom Ravisé
{K:5082} 9/12/2009
beautiful perspective.You can't gives an other name for this picture. Good choice. special composition. well done
cerebral marv
{K:217} 1/10/2006
i really love this photo! well done
Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 1/6/2006
Very nicely done. Excellent how you got the main monument lit up and the individual graves in shadow.
Is this a war cemetary somewhere, that's the only locations I've found setups like this?
Jonathan Boarini
{K:1895} 1/6/2006
Wow! The cross in the background resembles a preacher adressing a crowd. It gives the stones a very human touch that one can identify with. Excellent...
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/6/2006
So sad a mass grave but brilliantly composed image
Larry Monserate Piojo
{K:10780} 1/6/2006
those crosses are like people listening to its preacher! very nice composition and tone! i like a lot!
bests, LarryM.P.