City - Island in the Sky N.P. State - UTAH Country - United States
we hiked to the confluence of the Green and Colorado river from island in the Sky (a very remote unmarked hike). Near the confluence we stumbled upon these "modern ruins"--Edward Abbey's Monkey Wrench Gang? who knows...but there are definately some stories encapsulated in this moment capturing the past
an explanation: Thanks for your comments Marcio! I just wanted to offer an explanation for categorizing this as an abstract. Visually this is not an abstract photograph--there is much stability and a standard technique was performed in capturing the scene (nothing too special with the lighting or framing). The reason I categorized this as an abstract, and many other photos of mine, is because of the title and comment I attached with it. Visually and materially this is most likely a landscape photo with an interesting subject. But, when coupled with a certain title, such as the one i have given it, I feel it enters into the abstract. It is not the 3 dimensional scene i am concentrating on but rather the abstract idea of staring at these iron ghost relics, which to me, is beyond the standard relationship between a photo and it's viewer. To me, the title is probably the most overlooked property of photography--it is where the conception and visual manifestation connect--I conceived of relaying an abstract idea of spying on "Exiled Ghosts" through this subject...if i would have titled it "Rusty Mattress in the Canyon" I definately would not have placed it as an abstract. Just wanted to let you know it wasn't a clumsy mistake. Thanks for the comments and you have an amazing portfolio!