Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve (Dec 24 - Jan 6).
Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation, of longing. There is a yearning for deliverance from the evils of the world, first expressed by Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out from their bitter oppression. It is the cry of those who have experienced the tyranny of injustice in a world under the curse of sin, and yet who have hope of deliverance by a God who has heard the cries of oppressed slaves and brought deliverance!
In the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Season of Advent has been a time of fasting and penitence for sins similar to the Season of Lent. However, a different emphasis for the season of Advent has gradually unfolded in much of the rest of the church. The season of Advent has come to be celebrated more in terms of expectation or anticipation. Yet, the anticipation of the Coming of the Messiah throughout the Old Testament and Judaism was not in connection with remembrance of sins. Rather, it was in the context of oppression and injustice, the longing for redemption, not from personal guilt and sin but from the systemic evil of the world expressed in evil empires and tyrants.
Very interesting shot. Very impressive. It's opening something new for me. Different vision, sideward I used to see. But I feel, I sense this atmosphere of pray and prayers. Regards, Lena
This capture candle lights evokes a sense of wheels and time.... spinning, spinning.... perhaps to bring something new, different, promising, to correct that which has been muddied up with trivial and uncompromising events. Now that the Second Sunday of Advent is passed, we are nearer to the promise. This capture sends a tingle of anticipation of light, of bright, of ferris wheels and flying saucers laughter and joy...... and fervent prayers for the coming year.