Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 7/27/2010
Excellent nature shot Chelsea.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:4136} 12/24/2009
Very Happy and Peaceful New Year to you and yours
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 11/20/2009
Good one! Well taken and done! Mitra
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 11/15/2009
Beautiful My best wishes Nanda
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 6/13/2009
Powerful and impressive, well captured!
Best wishes, Ania
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 6/8/2009
LOL! Well, now that I've found out how to do the long exposures with my camera...the storms have become scarce! We used to have storms that raged all night, streaks of lightning over the lake every few minutes, some from one end of the horizon to the other...but now that I WANT them, we rarely get them. Oh well, summer's here, and my camera's ready...here's hoping!
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 6/7/2009
You lucky thing I wish I had taken this. Me and a friend were talking tody about how hard it is to get shots like this and I see one here. Very well done
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 6/7/2009
I miss the storms in Ontario... well done... Dan:)
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 3/31/2009
Now this is not an easy shot, I have yet to capture a good long shutter Lightining shot, we dont get many good storms here, thats a good excuse right? Well I will keep trying.... Great capture..
Ken Phenicie Jr.
{K:6273} 3/30/2009
WOW, great capture, very nice composition and I like the overall lighting you ended up with, well done. 7
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 11/27/2008
Chels, I just sent you an email...hopefully it will get across the border!
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 11/27/2008
"Backside free leather chaps"?? oooh, I've been to California a couple times, but those are the shots I missed! LOL!!!
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 11/27/2008
You GOTTA love the long exposure hopefuls that payoff in this way. I've managed to get some but nothing brilliant yet. Of course...not much chance in Southern California either. Maybe I should concentrate on the fires, eh? Or mudslides...or Hollywood types with their backside free leather chaps! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 11/25/2008
Hmmm...MarySue, it didn't go through. Try mine at damselfly747@yahoo.ca
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 11/25/2008
Hey MarySue! Sent out an email to your "generic" address, hope that works.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 11/25/2008
Patience is a virtue, which is evident in this electrifying shot!
Would you email me Chels? I've lost your addy.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/21/2008
kekekeke... nice comeback on the typo...
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 7/31/2008
Ugh! Those WHO have good luck are those who make their own.
Jeez! Go back to clicking the shutter and leave the keyboard alone, Sue!
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 7/31/2008
Nice catch, RM! Patience gets you those kinds of shots.
To paraphrase someone, Those you have good luck are those who MAKE their own.
To borrow from my mother "Homemade is always best."
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 5/27/2008
Armen, it was a long exposure. When the storm started I set up the tripod and camera by the window, and had the camera set on bulb setting at 5.6 aperture. I just held my finger on the shutter release until the sky lit up, and right after the flash let go. The storm lasted about 40 minutes, the sky lit up many times but there were only 2 good lightning flashes, most of the lightning was "in the clouds". The other nice flash came down behind that big birch tree on the right. I'm thinking of setting up some kind of portable and safe shelter where I can stand closer to the lake and get a better view.
Armen Haroutunyan
{K:4787} 5/27/2008
great lighting,how could u capture it?did u shot with longexposition or with brust?
Martin F
{K:2234} 5/27/2008
Great capture Chelsea! You got it!!!
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 5/27/2008
great shot perfect image
j esford
{K:13518} 5/27/2008
Beautiful timing (and luck!)....great transition from frost patterns to BAM! Well done! -john