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Dave K.
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imageopolis Photo Projects

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68 Curvy, Curvey, Curvaceous.

Curvy, what else can you say? Curvy lines, curvy people, curvy things in nature, all things curvy. Nothing straight about this project. Have some fun and use your imagination. Think outside the box or should I say circle.

67 Emotion

Post images that show and or imply emotion through actions or stature. Sometime emotions can be conveyed through inanimate objects as well as living beings. No happy kittens in a basket please! :) This is a good topic for some very moody black and white images. Have fun.

66 Innocence

–noun 1. the quality or state of being innocent; freedom from sin or moral wrong. 2. freedom from legal or specific wrong; guiltlessness: The prisoner proved his innocence. 3. simplicity; absence of guile or cunning; naiveté. 4. lack of knowledge or understanding. 5. harmlessness; innocuousness. 6. an innocent person or thing. This should be an interesting project. Have fun and let's see a good variety of subjects. Use your imagination. Enjoy.

65 @ Play

The previous project was about work and the things people do to earn a living and take care of their families. This project it the exact opposite. What we want to see are pictures of people at play. While it is a very busy world, there should always be a little time for leisurely activities. Please show us images of how this leisure time is spent around the world. It can be children at play, old folks relaxing, hobbies, team sports, you name it, we are sure that people do it. This should be a very interesting look into the various cultures around the world and how those few minutes of spare time between work and sleep are spent. Have fun.

64 Work

WORK! We see it all around us. Either building bridges or making artworks we are still working at creating a better world. Some work is pleasant and beautiful while much is hard and stark. Work is a part of our lives and our world. Don't get hurt and don't make anyone's work harder but show us the world at work around us. Try to capture the emotion as well as the sweat.


What better way to start the new year than with something FRESH! Show us your thoughts on all thing FRESH. Be they fruits or vegetables, children's faces, morning dew... Use your imagination and look past the obvious. Please be sure to use FRESH images as well, as always we try to recognize new images for the projects, not just re-categorized ones. So get out and shoot some FRESH photos!

62 Equal and Opposite

Here is a project to really challenge your vision. In this project show images containing equals and opposites. What does that mean? Well, I don't know but it sounds good! So have some fun with it and lets see how creative you all can be.

61 Totally Cool!

The last project was Hot Hot Hot. Let's go in the opposite direction and show things that are really cool. Remember, cool does not necessarily relate to the actual temperature. So if you have an image of something that you think is "Totally Cool" post it here. Remember, post new images, just don't move your old stuff around into this category. Awards will only be given to new images.

60 Hot Hot Hot!!!!!

Show us what is hot. Not only what raises the mercury, but things you consider Hot (not un-cool). A good play on words and a good project for those with a good imagination and appreciation for the totally gnarley. (Forgive my surf speak, but I am from Southern California) Have some fun with this one, and a reminder to post new photos for this and all projects instead of recylcing photos from the past.

59 Big and Little

Show your interpretation of things that are big and things that are little that are somehow related. Think about this for a bit, big and little do not have to relate only to physical size. Have fun.

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