Window on camera right, reflector on camera left, exposed for 1 minute, developed in Fomadon Excel, contact printed, partially toned in sepia, badly scanned (there's detail in the background - exposed as zone II-III - the tablecloth pattern and the bottle are reflected in the glass, etc). At first I wanted to split tone it but when I saw the image after the sepia toning stage, I decided to leave it that way. Originally shot for a cyanotype which I'll hopefully upload in the near future.
I like this a lot, Matej -- and the cyanotype as well. I might just disagree with the idea that you will need more contrast for the cyanotype, as I find this one quite subtle and beautiful.
Matej, I have not done anything related Cyanotype, yet. What I read / heard so far is, to print cyanotype, you should have very hight contrast image (negative). Do you make digital negative, if so, just bump of the contranst and try.
Nicly done classic picture. Soft light, tones are perfect. Very good still life. The shallow DOF is also impressive. There's not a lot to complain about it:)
It's interesting to note the similar shape of the table cloth pattern and the tag on the bottle of whine. The tonal range is gradual, much alike the gradual blur in the DOF. Thus, I like this classic and fine composition.
Awesome. I love this stuff ( not talking about the wine :-) ). Love the rich tonality in the picture. I m not sure of cyanotype for this, I think sepia works so beautiful here. Beautiful use of table cloth diagonal formation and leading into the picture - excellent work.