Kasia Koltunska
{K:5825} 12/9/2005
Very expressive shot. Her eyes seem to tell her whole life... I love the angle of this shot and the light that seems to fall on her. It works very well in B&W. What would have made the image even better is if the people in the background had left so that their feet wouldn't show. (And Angkor Wat is a truly amazing place - I really loved it there)
Wonderful shot, Kasia
Thanks for commenting on my photo.
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 12/7/2005
I liked this photo very much. The girl seem just innocent and sad as the name of the photo implies. I tried to open her face a bit.

Ferran Rial
{K:6670} 11/19/2005
Excelent foto. Realment és difícil capturar segons què, i aquesta foto realment transmet i et fa sentir moltes coses.
Ben fet! ferran
Evangelos Koutsavdis
{K:379} 11/16/2005
Very good... However you can lighten up her face a bit, the eye is drawn to the basket.
Donato Colucci
{K:649} 11/16/2005
Very emotional shot Jose. the young girl's sight looks so surprised and scared. I hope you did buy something from here after the click. square crop was a good choise as well as b&w tones. regards, donato