jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 4/4/2006
un gros merci JF. effectivement, les jours de pluie, il faut aussi bien regarder vers le haut que le bas, cela nous apporte bien souvent des surprises. Pour ce qui est d'être plus belle, ce n'est pas le but rechercher, la composition de la tienne était très bien, et autant représentative, mélangeant le côté vieillot du vieux Montréal avec un agencement de ligne et de courbe donnant un côté beaucoup plus moderne... donc tout aussi créatif.
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/3/2006
Très, très belle photo Jacques ! Beaucoup plus belle photo, en fait plus imaginative que la mienne. J'aime bien ! Je dois apprendre à regarder vers le bas autant que vers le haut. Salutations, JF
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 11/18/2005
thanks a lot for your visit and comment Rodney, I really appreciate them. Hope you have a good time seing my work.
Rodney Steele
{K:1841} 11/18/2005
Jacques, thank you for your comments on my photographs. I enjoy your portfolio and found this photograph to be particuarly creative and very well done. You have a good eye to notice it and wonderful ability to photograph it. Well done. Rodney
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/28/2005
thanks a lot Darryl, I appreciate your comment.
darryl lambert
{K:87} 10/26/2005
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/23/2005
thanks a lot Mohammed, your comment is really appreciated
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 10/23/2005
you have a very talented EYE to catch this reflection
well done very nice colors 7/7
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/16/2005
thanks a lot Tony, you're very kind.
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 10/15/2005
Un 7, extraordinaria
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/7/2005
thanks a lot Peter
Peter Wintergren
{K:537} 10/7/2005
A very beautiful reflection! Great shot!
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/6/2005
thanks for the comments Cary, and if your ever bought an 20D, you'll see that's a real nice camera... an I just learn how to use it. I bought mine in july.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 10/6/2005
Jacques, first off I love your accent, a secondly, this is a super shot, you seem to have fun doing it and with that camera of yours I can understand why, I want one. Thanks for your recent comment, Cary
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
thanks a lot for your good words Green
Fakhra O.
{K:5961} 10/5/2005
Awesom capture.. The colors and details are great. I love it.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
merci beaucoup pour tes commentaires et tes conseils, je regarde le tout avec beaucoup d'attention... à suivre.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
thanks a lot Darlene, good words from you are always really appreciate, you're a so great photographer. Best regards.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
thanks a lot Alison.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
Thanks a lot Suzie. For the next one, I just work a little bit the bricks with PS, but I think it had a little something to the picture.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/5/2005
thanks a lot for your good words Chris. Really appreciate your visit
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/5/2005
Very nicely done, Jacques. The science of reflections continues to baffle me! Best regards, Chris
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 10/5/2005
Gorgeous. This is such a great catch Jacques. Well done! Can't wait to see the next one.
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 10/5/2005
Great reflection. Al.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 10/5/2005
Perfect! This is an amazing image, can't wait to see more!! Very well done Jacques!
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 10/4/2005
Composition très intéressante et splendide jeu de miroir...le genre de photo qu'on a plus souvent l'habitude de voir en n&b...tiens à propos..tu devrais essayer Jacques...
Merci beaucoup pour ton message
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/4/2005
thanks for visiting and the comment Robin.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/4/2005
parce qu'il y avait un foutu trottoir, et que c'est le meilleur angle que je pouvais avoir...
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/4/2005
thanks a lot for the good words Kevin.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/4/2005
thanks again Ahmed.
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 10/4/2005
Beautiful capture! Nice reflections! Gives a cool abstract feel.
Kevin H
{K:22502} 10/4/2005
Now the colors, details and reflection really make this a perfect picture. Keep up the good work.
Claude Lussier
{K:4626} 10/4/2005
Intéressante réflection Jacques, je me demande candidement pourquoi tu t'es pas tassé un peu vers la gauche !!?
S'aurait été une très belle photo ! ))
Robin W
{K:16308} 10/4/2005
beautiful image...the color is brilliant, the reflection is great!