Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 11/15/2005
doesn't matter on the horizon. it's adorable. I bet too it would look stunning done in bw soft tones. or sepia soft.
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 10/6/2005
Very sweet! Great color!
Janet B
{K:16139} 9/8/2005
I went to comment on your other image and it's gone :( I tried to before and it kept say 'error'. It was really cute!
Janet B
{K:16139} 9/8/2005
You are getting some gorgeous colors, Judy! The horizon isn't bothersome at all. I think a square crop would work equally as well, too! Great image!
{K:2487} 9/7/2005
This is VERY cute! I like how there's that dramatic sea behind her but she's intent on her book. I like her bright colour clothes and the pink chair contrasted against the more muted natural coloured surroundings.
Flatlinerbreath .
{K:98} 9/6/2005
Excellent photo! I like the way the bright colors really make her stand out and it looks like she is genuinely enjoying that book.
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 9/6/2005
Oh this IS so cute! I love it! The coloring, lighting and everything looks great and I love the mood here! Excellent work :) So cute! :) ~Rachel~