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Trucking Graffiti
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Image Title:  Trucking Graffiti
Favorites: 0 
 By: Paul Lara  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Paul Lara  Paul Lara {Karma:88111}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Abstract
Lens canon 28 - 135 EF-S zoom @ 135mm
Uploaded 8/21/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital ISO 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 587 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 5 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  San Antonio
State -  TEXAS
Country - United States   United States
About A shot of graffiti on a truck trailer that was obviously too slow to avoid the taggers. My homage to Kevin.
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There are 5 Comments in 1 Pages
Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 9/15/2005
Hey!...Paul...we Both Take Grafitti....!
....I look for it on Railroad Cars...Ha,ha,aha!!!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 8/28/2005
Grafitti...grafitti....My Favourite Art!...Paul!
...What a Lot of Effort...!!!
I can Never Decifer their Scribble....!


Kevin Collier   {K:19076} 8/22/2005
I love this kind of stuff - what makes it so intersting is that there are no two painted trains or trucks that are the same and what I find that is really cool is that you have no idea where they came from - like an artistic time warp/travel machine

- ""you have in your hand a "to die for" 20D, and it's screaming for high-speed action"" - but I say you had to use nothing less than a speed demon 20D to catch an artisic time warp/travel stuff and I'll keep looking for this one to show up on my bike to work!! :)


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 8/21/2005
"you have in your hand a "to die for" 20D, and it's screaming for high-speed action, and all you could come up with is to shoot the side of a truck. Come on Paul, what's up with that?"

You made my night, Pradeep!
Yes, you are right, I should be honoring camera's super-human powers with more worthy adversaries than large, static objects. You have made my objective this next week clear: catch a Decisive Moment. Thank you, my friend.



Pradeep B   {K:2235} 8/21/2005
Hi Paul, thanks for your comment on Claudia's boots.

I guess with my travelling overseas in Feb/Mar/Apr I missed all your excitement with the contest and your new 20D. Wow! Belated congrats my friend. The funny thing is I finally got a chance to really try out the new Rebel XT a couple of days ago at a first-rate local photo shop (I saw both DSLRs in Dubai and Germany earlier this year, but didn't get a good feel for the people who were supposed to know how to demo them). I also checked out the 20D here while I was at it, but decided the Rebel XT was more my style (weight/size, etc). So, now I'm on a quest to obtain this camera. I've been upgrading my camera every 6 months for the past 2.5 years, so it's about that time now since I bought my Canon Pro 1 back in Feb.

I did humour the pro photographer at the camera store for almost an hour. He told me he rarely gets to talk to another photographer about creativity, so he was thrilled when I brought up the subject. And, when I showed him a few samples of my recent work, he was shocked I hadn't done those with a DSLR. Oh well. Perhaps the DSLR may be overkill for me since I don't normally shoot action or centerfold-type stuff. :-) Just kidding.

Coming to your pic, you have in your hand a "to die for" 20D, and it's screaming for high-speed action, and all you could come up with is to shoot the side of a truck. Come on Paul, what's up with that??? lol




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