{K:1283} 10/24/2006
Sven Burkhard
{K:3467} 11/20/2005
Hey Ashley!
A really nice picture! I like the way you comiunicate your feelings. It's a good way to feel better. We all make sometimes mistakes and feel like this. Me too. Sometimes to mutch... ;) But, better times will come! They always do! Trust your instincts. :)
Best wishes, Sven
.. ...
{K:-195} 8/23/2005
Im sorry..Ive already taken the gig as the worlds biggest loser!.. find your own one ;) Funny funny photo! haha.
{K:1283} 8/22/2005
you're so awesome. (thanks again for that, it did cheer me up. you rock)
good composition!
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 8/22/2005
Forse una delle migliori foto viste qui ad usefilm almeno come concept. Mi piace molto nella realizzazione e nell'idea. Spero solo che non sia un tuo pensiero reale, ma solo lo stato d'animo te4mporaneo che chiunque prova almeno una volta nella vita. Mi piace molto anche la calligrafia della scritta.
Brian Smistek
{K:1062} 8/21/2005
Hi Ashley, I happen to like this photo for two reasons. !. It's well done. 2. You had the heart to do it for the sake of a friend! You're a class A person to act like you did. Congratulations for being a good soul! B"o)
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/21/2005
Yeah, everyone is fraught with insecurity; just don't believe that internal dialogue that tries to drag you down, girl. Sometimes you have to FAKE confidence, but it becomes more natural as times goes on. ;)