Oguz Kurum
{K:-15} 8/16/2005
hello titin..i am so glad you added me o your list..do you use msn messenger?
Titin Simanjuntak
{K:251} 8/16/2005
Hi Oguz, your comment has encouraged me. Thanks for adding me to your friends list. My email is titinhs@yahoo.com. Cheers, Titin
Titin Simanjuntak
{K:251} 8/16/2005
>> Set Down & Set Off << set nice & set wonderful... (I) said thanks heaps, Hesham (trying to keep the rhyme:) Cheers, Titin
Oguz Kurum
{K:-15} 8/15/2005
hello...i like it very much so dramatic I found it...So I added you to my friends list..my mail is oguzkurum@hotmail.com...sharing is important to learn..
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/15/2005
This is a wonderful shot Titin, the dark lighting and nice silohuette is great, well done...
Titin Simanjuntak
{K:251} 8/15/2005
Thank you for your kindly comments, Christian. Cheers, Titin
Christian Tropea
{K:2052} 8/15/2005
Splendida foto veramente bella complimenti mera di essere votata
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 8/15/2005
>> Set Down & Set Off << set nice & set wonderful. H.Abouzekry.