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"The Valentine"
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Image Title:  "The Valentine"
Favorites: 1 
 By: Jan Graziano  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Jan Graziano {Karma:17920}
Project #23 Objects Camera Model Canon EOS 350D
Categories Others
Film Format
Portfolio Arizona
Lens 18-55 mm EFS f/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 8/10/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar 1 GB 80x CF
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 363 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Peoria
State -  ARIZONA
Country - United States   United States
About This is another sculpture that was commissioned by the Peoria, AZ Arts Commission, and it is located in a shady area near one of the water features in front of the Library at the Peoria, AZ City Hall Complex. Today was very overcast but this area is very shady all the time.
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Stephen Bivens   {K:7308} 8/11/2006
Great ! Love the shot.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2006
Thanks Steven - had just gotten my new camera and didn't really have much of a clue as to how it worked. As soon as it gets out of the triple digits (i.e. late September/October) will be going back to City Hall and trying again.


Stephen Bivens   {K:7308} 8/10/2006
Great shot I would have went in closer but I am not you. Cheers.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/14/2005
Thanks Michele - for me having the stairs that lead down to the mini-amphitheater and water feature gives me a location for my memories because I was fortunate enough to work for the City at that location from Feb. 1991 until I retired in 2004. The vegitation at the City Hall Complex (and this shot is near the public library) has really matured, and it gives you a really peaceful area to walk through. Jan


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/13/2005
I like the entire picture just the way it is. I like to see the stairs in front of City Hall too. The colors are soft and yet keep a 'valentine tone' theme. I like this very much.
Michele Carlsen~


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Thanks Mary - the tree trunk and the canopy really seem to frame the couple - and it just didn't look the same when I did try a crop so I left it with this crop. Will be posting another one of these tomorrow that was taken at a different angle. Will be curious to read comments on that one. I'm with you - I really like my stuff to look like something - this one always made me feel good. There are a few more beauties at the different public buildings that I will be shooting and uploading "down the road" sometime. Jan


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Thanks kiddo - but wait until you see the one I will upload tomorrow - oh heck, I'll send it to you now. Love this camera - just you wait until I get it off of auto and know what I am doing on the different program modes. Now, I gotta get the macro lens, a few filters, a really good tripod...does it ever end? :-)


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 8/11/2005
This is a fabulous sculpture. Sometimes sculptures are so way out there that it is had to know what they are suppose to represent. This one is so tender and loving. The tree canopy is so appealing. I can see where you might have trouble deciding which crop is the best for this great shot.


Rob Graziano Rob Graziano   {K:6678} 8/11/2005
Mom...I got to say...I disagree with everyone about the crop...I think it is a very, very good composition because it show the extraordinary in the everyday ordinary. The tree coming up the left side with the canopy protecting everyone is excellent. If you would have cropped this, all of that would have been lost. I also really like the angle at which you captured the shot...very nice indeed! How I wish life had more couples reaching that age and exhibiting what that piece of art shows...I like it! :)


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Thanks Eric - It does have the flavor of "The Postman" doesn't it? I am not exactly sure what the reasoning was for this selection of public art work - I do know that, so far, all the sculptures that have been purchased are "family" related. The man, woman, and child in front of City Hall, this one of a more mature couple, there is one of a mare and foal (do wish that one was in copper like these...). At the Peoria Sports Complex there is a sculpture of...nope won't tell you any more. Think I'll just go and get photos of all of the public art. A picture is worth...etc. Thanks again for commenting. Jan


Erik Shea   {K:1600} 8/11/2005
Very nice... This looks like the ending to the movie "The Postman". I can picture an older couple that hung out at this spot for many many years just people watching. Bet their is a very nice story behind this sculpture.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Thanks Don - appreciate the comment - come visit Peoria City Hall when you get back.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Thanks Lisa - look for my uploads tomorrow. Guess I will have to post one of the other shots I took of the Valentine. After a second or third look at the other 6-8 shots I took - I do have a better one...or two.


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 8/11/2005
LOL I had a hideabed couch like that once. Notice I said had. lol I'm surprised I can keep my shots sorted geez, ten of the same thing all slightly different I think I have OCD or something can't throw anything away. Oh no that's right I'm a quilter that explains it.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Hey Lady - great comments. As it so happens I have a number of shots taken at different angles. What was it you said yesterday - uploaded the wrong one? Well, I do have one that almost gives this a totally different look. Will probably upload that one tomorrow. Trust me - the subject is NOT going to run away - and it was be really difficult for someone to try and borrow it to use elsewhere. It was a real challenge to get it moved into this position. One of those - you better decide for sure where you want this - cause it ain't going to get moved again!


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 8/11/2005
Good comment Sam - I did have it cropped that way, but just wasn't the same without that canopy of leaves. May play with it some more.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 8/11/2005
I think you are lucky that it was cloudy. Makes for less contrast around your center of interest.
REally a neat sculpture. Don.


So Cal Photograhper   {K:18529} 8/11/2005
Overcast days are the best days to take photos. That's why you got this great image. I'm with your Sam on this one also. I think cropping the photo and leaving the stairs and rails out would have made it more pleasing. Like same - it is a lovely shot.


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 8/11/2005
I'm with Sam III on this dear. Ok but to be fair if this was my shot I would just die to lose the lovely canopy of the willow. I REALLY like the lighting here it's inviting and cool looking. I would go back to this exact spot and just practice turning the camera untill you get rid of the stairs. You almost have to shot from this spot to catch the faces. Honey it's like my Mt. I would have missed the barn until someone pointed it out. We get fixed on something and don't see the rest. The whole thing is learning how to look/see in a different way. If the subject isn't going to run away take time and really look over the scene.
hugs Ellen


Sam Graziano III Sam Graziano III   {K:14064} 8/10/2005
Mom, I this this is a good shot, The only thing IMO, Is the cropping, I think that with the cropping leaving the rails and stairs in leads your eye away from the most important part of this peice, The statue. I would have cropped it just to the right edge of the pillar one the RHS.
To me I think that would lead you eyes back to the subject. Just my thought.
But lovely shot none the less!




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