> hey paul, its very nice to meet you, except that i had to work > but browsed around your photographs and some others that > you had comments on for hours.
Thank you! You are very kind. (Did I ever mention that working in an office should be made a criminal offence??!!)
> now i am in a desperate situation but i'll find a way dont worry.
Ha! You have a great sense of tragic irony. I look forward to seeing more of your exciting photographs on this forum...
hey paul, its very nice to meet you, except that i had to work but browsed around your photographs and some others that you had comments on for hours. now i am in a desperate situation but i'll find a way dont worry. not only your pictures are great (well, some of them i mean) you have a very cool view/comment rate too.
This is a wonderful image, very compelling. I find am gripped by the gentle expression on the woman's face, her eyes (and her dental profile), and the humorously blurry child dangling on her arm. There is a special sparkle there. That contrasts well with the nonchalant expression on the faces of the people standing on the pavement to the right, looking bored with their lives and each other. Interesting also are the two sailors-on-shore-leave types on the left, waiting for traffic (or the absence thereof), with matching nightlife fashion accessories. In twenty years time, they will be sat in subdued café grill eating outlets, reading newspaper articles about import quotas and death sentences and absorbing nothing, and wondering what their wives are laughing about. (maybe)
Lots going on, all mingled into one photographic bucket.