Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 7/21/2005
grande scatto. saluti gennaro
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 7/21/2005
Beautiful macro shot Robi,the bee busy on those nice flowers just superb,excellent lighting Many congrats on well deserved BIP and SC Best regards
Mr. M ...
{K:5507} 7/21/2005
Bella Roberto!
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/21/2005
Very nice capture. I love the low angle you shot this from. Very well done to get in such a low position: very good thinking!
Your hard work has been rewarded with some very deserved awards.
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 7/21/2005
Great! Congratulations, Robi. Truly deserved, my friend.
Pacifico Mazzella
{K:437} 7/21/2005
Un lavoro perfetto. Complimenti
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 7/21/2005
Beautiful work, Roberto and congratulations on your award!
julie hugill
{K:6730} 7/21/2005
Excellent capture and congrats on both awards well done Roberto !! Cheers Julie
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 7/21/2005
sapevo che non importava proporla...i premi sarebbero giunti ugualmente perche' meritava averli...ancora complimenti.....ciao carissimo
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/21/2005
cogratulations dear Roberto on the two awards!!! well deserved!!!!!! Marian
{K:30983} 7/21/2005
Caspita! Mi assento per qualche giorno e voilà, che splendore! Trasmette proprio la sensazione di aver colto un momento di intimità di questa ape. Ottima e correttamente premiata.
Paola LL
Umberto Bazzoni
{K:1384} 7/21/2005
Immagino faccia sempre parte di quella famosa serie dove tu sei sdraiato sull'erba bagnata... Semplice ma geniale Roberto. Mi piace poi lo sfuocato ai bordi che mette ancor più in risalto il soggetto. Veramente ben realizzata. Ciao
Marco Montesi
{K:1531} 7/21/2005
A parte il lato tecnico, perfetto sotto tutti i punti di vista, sono incantato dalla sensazione che trasmette... sembra di essere lì, sdraiato ad assaporare quegli interminabili secondi di serenità che la natura regala nei suoi gesti quotidiani. Complimenti per gli awards, sono tutti meritati!
Ciao Marco
Alex Rocchi
{K:5679} 7/21/2005
Un' inquadratura molto particolare ed insolita con le due foglie in primo piano che fanno da semi cornice e danno slancio ai due fiorellini gialli, bello anche il cielo minaccioso, o quasi, sullo sfondo. La luce morbida da alla foto un'atmosfera un po triste ed irreale ma d'effetto. Peccato per l'apina semi nascoscosta, ma daltronde non le si poteva chiedere di mettersi in posa!! Ciaooooo..... e complimenti per i riconoscimenti.
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 7/21/2005
quanti premi... complimenti caro ro.... ciao salvo
cessy karina
{K:14205} 7/21/2005
woww ! excellent low angle, Roby very nice composition, plus you got the bee very creative indeed, truly an award winning picture
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 7/21/2005
Hi, Roby! My congratulation!!! SC & BIP! Cool!!! FANTASTIC SHOT!!! GREAT! My best wishes! ALexey
{K:11924} 7/21/2005
Excellent capture, love the DOF and the angle as well. Very nicely captured.
Gilberto Santa Rosa
{K:11147} 7/21/2005
Wonderful Congrats for BIP and SC
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 7/21/2005
Roberto!! PERFECTO!!! Man you must be sleeping in the meadows to get to something like this or just god damn lucky.. Great shot!!
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 7/21/2005
WOW!!!! This is so beautiful and perfect my dear Robi... Awesome composition... and great colors and details... Very well deserved SC and BIP... Congratulations!!!!
karen clarke
{K:18893} 7/21/2005
Very cool image, so great that you take something so simple as dandilions and a bee and turn it into such a dramatic image. Well done~
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 7/21/2005
Oh my Roby - well done! Wonderful shot here. Congrats on the double award! :)
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/21/2005
OHHHH Roby a perfect light and a beautiful capture of these lovely flowers..I love the angle and the fabulous detail. So wonderful and so glad to see that you have not one but two awards...well deserved congratulations my dear...kisses...:):)Linda
{K:42404} 7/20/2005
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 7/20/2005
Wow! A wonderful capture. I love the colors and the bee is such a nice addition. Congratulations on the 2 awards!!! Well deserved. :)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/20/2005
ottima cattura dear Roberto!!!!!! meravilliosa!!!!! complimenti!!!!! Marian
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 7/20/2005
This is NICE Roberto, I like the lighting, fantastic camera angle, perfect for this composition.
And I also like the flower in the lower left! Very nice, Lori :)
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 7/20/2005
Brilliant composition Roberto 7/7
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 7/20/2005
Perfect angle and treatment, beautiful and warm, very well done, Liz
Stephan Houde
{K:1157} 7/20/2005
Nice shot.. I like it. Beautiful compo & colors
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 7/20/2005
Fantastic POV and exposure. Really love the low angle on this one jimc
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 7/20/2005
lovely photo Roby! great colors! you sure got down low and close to that bee! :) Ann
George Black
{K:102014} 7/20/2005
Wonderful shot! The composition and dof are just about perfect. The bee is beautifully sharp even if partially concealed by the flower he is working on so intently. This is one of the best of the many "bee" pictures. Congratulations, --George
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 7/20/2005
Microcosmos...this unique capture reminds me of that wonderful French film 'microcosmos'...I have seen 4 times at least and have it as a Video now at home. Great work..like the tiny ant in the background too... Cheers,Ursula
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 7/20/2005
The serenity of summer with an external nature scene, combine natural contrast between flowers and insects, wonderful shot drenched in strong light and bright colours. The angle of excellent choice. Cioa. Saeed
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 7/20/2005
Ciao Roberto, molto bella!
purtroppo queste angolazioni a me sono negate a causa del mal di schiena...un pò ti invidio.
Salutissimi Francesco
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 7/20/2005
Bel punto di ripresa, non la solita macro, splendida luce e realizzazione, complimenti. Ciao
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/20/2005
lovely close-up, like it
{K:3153} 7/20/2005
good capture, Roby great mood cheers, Ela :)
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 7/20/2005
Excelent photo,Roberto! My best regards.
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 7/20/2005
Great camera angle and central brightness Nigel
Luca Luca®
{K:2429} 7/20/2005
è bellissima ...colori fantastici, e angolo interessante
Raf D
{K:9223} 7/20/2005
Bellissimo scatto Roby!! incantevola composizione con una luce ottima, ben realizata amigo!! -- COmplimenti, Rafael
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 7/20/2005
This is so beautiful how did you manage it.
Yalda/ loneliness
{K:1248} 7/20/2005
very nice shot with good frame of course.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 7/20/2005
Eddai, comprati sta Holga ! :)))))) ;)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/20/2005
wow sono fantastici questi colori di questa composizione real magic light! :)
Guido Fulgenzi
{K:6076} 7/20/2005
molto belli sia la luce che il punto di ripresa,congrats.!
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 7/20/2005
vado a proporla come foto da bippare ;-))..fantastica..luce e colori incantevoli per un punto di ripresa fantastico e perfetto..ciao mito
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 7/20/2005
very nice picture,I like the effects,best wishes
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 7/20/2005
Great perspective,makes me feel like a miniature visitor to this world. Nice DOF, lighting and color. Good work.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/20/2005
Excellent close-up, Roby! Best regards, Chris
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 7/20/2005
superrr it is so lovely, an it is ver busy :)
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 7/20/2005
Excellent hunting...