Bosnia Photo
{K:3088} 9/20/2005
Very very nice!
Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 9/19/2005
Indeed, it has alight leak... now if I could figure out which one it is.... but then again, I tend not to worry. It usually never becomes an issue, unless I load a roll of color, because when I load a roll of color, it sits for a long time. That roll, that this image came from, was my last. For now.
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 9/19/2005
Yes, it is clean. that is steam being vented. it is not harmful, whatsoever. The only trouble is if the reactor gets out of hand. Your car dischrges much more harmful checmicals than this power plant. At what cost? Well, have you seen what a barrel of oil cost these days?
It is a cool photo, the old AE-1 seems to have devolped a light leak. and that ISO400 is doing no creidt to this shot.
mary karimi
{K:10818} 6/20/2005
Excellent composition Well done work! Congrats!
Tyler Robbins
{K:904} 6/18/2005
there is polution, but it's more localized.... in say.... nevada or where ever they dump it these days
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 6/18/2005
the lowest cost of any available energy. And you said it....clean. That is steam coming from the stacks. Fossil fuels discharge deadly, choking smoke, gut the earth, and are costlier. Nice photo.
Anton Ndreca
{K:305} 6/18/2005
powrfull photo