Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Plant corms about 2-3? deep and 3-4? apart in the fall. If planted in the lawn, foliage should be left unmowed until it yellows (about 6 weeks after bloom). Naturalizes well. Plants go dormant by late spring.
Noteworthy Characteristics:
Large flowering crocuses are among the most widely grown early spring bulbs (actually corms). Each corm produces several upright, cup-like, purple to white flowers with darker purple feathering or stripes on the outside. Typically grows 4-6? tall. Basal, grass-like leaves. Blooms in early spring shortly after snowdrops (Galanthus). Flowers close at night and open up in the morning, but usually remain closed on rainy/cloudy days. Many cultivars of this species have been developed.
No serious insect or disease problems. Squirrels, mice and other rodents can be problems. Squirrels seem particularly adept at locating, digging up and eating newly planted corms.
Brings early spring bloom to the landscape. Mass in lawns, under trees or in sunny woodland areas. Large sweeping drifts can be spectacular. Also may be grouped in rock gardens, in front of shrubs, along walks or in various other small areas around the home.