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My Picture Won!
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Image Title:  My Picture Won!
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 By: Jim Budrakey  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Jim Budrakey  Jim Budrakey {Karma:24393}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon S1-IS
Categories At Work
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Built in - Image Stabalized
Uploaded 4/30/2005 Film / Memory Type SanDisk Ultra 256
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1779 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 86 Rating
/ 22 Ratings
Location City -  Manlius
State -  NY
Country - United States   United States
About [BragMode=ON]
I made a 13 by 19 inch print of my Amaryllis picture an entered it in the Syracuse University "On My Own Time" art show. My picture received the award in the Color Photography category.

I really took this shot with my 2 MPixel Sony U20 camera. I'd just like to say to all those people (no one from Usefilm) who claim you ~might~ be able to make and ~acceptable~ 4 by 6 print from a 2 MPixel camera (Quoting Dogbert)...

Neener Neener

The print turned out beautifully - I was amazed. That Canon i9900 is an amazing printer.
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There are 86 Comments in 1 Pages
william carol   {K:8} 7/9/2009
Jim...even a naked woman got so muck hits.
You sure deserve,is a very nice photo congrats.


Lars Dahlin Lars Dahlin   {K:610} 10/5/2008

You are well worth it!

My best regards!

Ostersund, Sweden


Elias Monges Elias Monges   {K:6238} 9/25/2008
Jim...congratulations for your have an exellent eye to catch good moments....


SRS SRS SRS SRS   {K:6731} 8/3/2008
Hey congratulations! That's really nice!


Robin England Robin England   {K:282} 7/28/2008
Great work Jim!


proud and happy....
congrats !!!!
you deserve it


Ziad Kadi Ziad Kadi   {K:2847} 8/8/2007
Congratulations Jim.
I went through your portfolio. I like your work. I hope you get many more rewards.
Best Regards,


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/25/2007

Congrats!!! I LOVE to see one of our own score an opportunity to use both 'Brag mode' AND 'Silly mode' in the same about section!!

That is one beautiful shot!!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Mohamed Badawy Mohamed Badawy   {K:11828} 3/22/2007
Congratulations- very good picture


Tomasz Szymczak Tomasz Szymczak   {K:7875} 3/3/2007
My congratulations. The photo is very beautiful. Regards Tomasz.


Eyadُ Mehdy Eyadُ Mehdy   {K:63} 1/5/2007
lovely picture


c c c c   {K:371} 12/16/2006
Congratulation i hope you win more prices....It's a beautiful flower


Jeffery Parker   {K:172} 12/14/2006
A well deserved award. I enjoy your work, and appreciate your comments on mine. You have an amazing talent and eye for capturing the beauty of nature.


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 6/24/2006
Congratulations! So, you printed that with a Canon i9900? I reckong that is large format. Eventually looking to buy a large format printer, just haven't studied up on that yet.

Your winner is a great photo, btw.



nexhat behrami nexhat behrami   {K:90} 5/22/2006
Congratulatines .


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 4/7/2006
May I add my CONGRATULATIONS!! to you as well.

Well done Jim - also nice to see the face that is normally behind the camera :-))



Silvia  Castañeda Puchetta Silvia  Castañeda Puchetta   {K:342} 3/16/2006
Felicitaciones Jim!! Un premio muy merecido.


Susie  Peek-Swint   {K:7303} 3/13/2006
Jim ~ thanks for your comment on my iris ~ which was also shot with my old 2MP camera... you have such a wonderful gallery and a stunning garden ~ how lucky you are to have so much beauty at hand ~ kudos to your wife too! regards, susie


Kenneth C. Long, Sr.   {K:4245} 3/10/2006
Nice one, Jim. Congrads on the shot.


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 1/7/2006
You're the man...congratulations Jim. You do have some fantastic fl orals and I'm truly surprises that you used such a camera. It gives me hope because my latest posts were done with a $150 camera (3.2 pixels). Now I got to print some of them and I will ask for your help when the time comes to print one.


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 1/2/2006
Congratulation Jim, for the award, from the picture I can tell it is a very well deserved one, congratulation once again and keep up the good work, Cheers,


alberto baez duarte alberto baez duarte   {K:8175} 1/2/2006's a very good picture indeed..


David M Roberts David M Roberts   {K:914} 12/3/2005
congratulations - a worthy victory for a nice piece of work


H L H L   {K:11377} 12/1/2005
Thank you Jim for sharing this great reward story
It is a great accomplishment to feel your skills been appreciated.


Congratulations my friend!!
thanks for comment my pic is an honor comming from such a good photographer like you!!
Grettings from Perú


Erik Shea   {K:1600} 9/19/2005
Congratulations for a beautiful shot, I can imagine how well it looked printed.


Mia ... Mia ...   {K:2993} 9/19/2005


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 8/17/2005
beautiful!! good for you!


Ismet Smajis Ismet Smajis   {K:6911} 8/11/2005
Well done


lavendu ...   {K:4882} 7/30/2005
my heartly congrats
I suppose you are very happy


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 7/29/2005
Hi Jim,

well, congrats on the award. nice work!

best wishes,


Yamil Saenz Yamil Saenz   {K:12434} 7/21/2005
Congratulations Jim for this well deserved award.
Thank you for sharing your accomplishments and keep up the good job.


David Hofmann   {K:22223} 7/19/2005
wow, congrats Jim! You are so right about the large print. Most people think you need big megapixel to do large prints. It is probably the biggest misconception since digital photography.


Emmanuel Panagiotakis Emmanuel Panagiotakis   {K:6267} 7/15/2005
Congratulations Jim
Gets my vote also 7\7


a a a a   {K:853} 7/13/2005
Congratulations! Photo is excellent


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 6/27/2005
Hi Jim.
It is a wonderful picture... Well deserved prize!!! Congratulations!!!

And nice to meet you. :-)

My best regards,


Maria Ilcheva   {K:342} 6/15/2005
excellent made picture!!Congratulations!


Lee Harris   {K:14694} 6/8/2005
Wow ..... Congratulations I would be proud also.
From here it looks like a excellent print.
And definitely a great shot.


Cernan Catig Cernan Catig   {K:2905} 6/2/2005


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 6/1/2005
brilliant portfolio, Quality, congrat,s, & thank you for comment, art


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 6/1/2005
Congrats, Jim.
Gorgeous flower !


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 5/29/2005
Congratulations! Beautiful!


Terry McCully   {K:9221} 5/28/2005
yes.. it does look very nice in this custom frame.. thats the look Im going for als... congrats on the first place win...


brandy bailey   {K:3509} 5/27/2005
congratulations. I would like to win sometime with one of my pictures.


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 5/25/2005
Wow - not only did you make a great shot but you printed it out too? Or is that a commercial printing job? Well done on the award - how fun is that?!
Thanks for your comment on "Sometimes".


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 5/22/2005
And I can see why this's a beautiful image...Wonderful color and detail, marvellously presented too...Congratulations to you...:):)Linda


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 5/21/2005
congrats.. just goes to show that it is not the camera but the person behind it who counts.. great work


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 5/20/2005
Lol!!! Congrats Jim! I also don't believe what they say about print sizes.... I've had some very acceptable A4 prints off a 1.5MP image in the past...
Well done on the award!


Mark Mellen   {K:1970} 5/18/2005
A picture to be proud of.. Congrats well deserved .. Best wishes Mark..


Allen  . Allen  .   {K:-667} 5/17/2005
Congratulations!!! What a wonderful feeling it must be. And it certainly looks like it's well deserved!


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 5/17/2005
Congratulations on winning. Great job. Great picture.


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 5/17/2005
My best compliments for your great result Jim and thank you for your kind comment to mine!


Peter Daniel Peter Daniel   {K:33866} 5/17/2005
Congradulations... Even though I shoot most of my photos with a 5 mp camera I still get great shots with my 3.2 mp...

Thanks for sharing? Thanks for the wonderful comment on my Photograph.
Peter Daniel


Jon O'Brien Jon O'Brien   {K:11321} 5/15/2005
Well done and a completely acceptable reason for a little self-promotion. Also goes to show that it is the photographer who takes the picture, not the camera.




Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 5/15/2005
H Jim, congrats on the award, it is a super print and awesome presentation! Thanks for your comment on "Spring", Cary


Deb Mayes   {K:19605} 5/14/2005
Excellent, Jim! This is a beautiful photo, and I'm tickled you did it with a 2MP camera. One of my favorite sayings is, If you think you can't you're right. :) Congratulations!

(Nice to see you, too.)


Frank Beer   {K:10112} 5/13/2005
Congratulations on your success, Jim!

Your picture looks great although it?s "only" small in the background of this image ...
I am sure it will not be your last award :))

By the way ... I like your self portrait!

All the best


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 5/13/2005
My most sincere congratulation for your photographic success. Regards Gerhard


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 5/13/2005
CONGRATULATIONS, Jim!! SOOO Cool! Gives hope to those like me with lesser models of cameras!


Rolf Rock   {K:2964} 5/12/2005
GRATULATIONS for your work, wonderful flower image
By the way thanks a lot for your comment
to my Tuscany #106 image.


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 5/10/2005
Congratulation Jim.
warm Regards


Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 5/10/2005
Congratulations !!


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 5/10/2005
Congratulations Jim, must have been a thrill to receive this award. it looks beautiful up there on the wall behind you.



Felix Nova   {K:431} 5/8/2005
Great Jim, you're the man ;)


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 5/8/2005
Fantastic. Very well done. I am so pleased that you did so well with such a beautie.


Thankyou so much Jim for your fantastic comments on my images.



Saqib Zulfiqar   {K:2745} 5/7/2005
Congratulations on a well deserved shot. May I mention there is a hot spot on the top edge of the frame @lol! Thank you for your comment on my pic too.
Best Regards,
Saqib Zulfiqar


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 5/6/2005
Congradulations on this wonderful winner.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 5/5/2005
What a great amaryllis shot, Jim!
Congratulations on your fine achievement.
Best regards, Chris


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 5/5/2005
I also raise amaryllis. I have acquired about 15 bulbs now from starting with a single bulb 15 yrs ago. That is a very attractive one you have posted. I have several amaryllis posting in my site also. Congratulations. Del.


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 5/4/2005
Well done, Jim. As always, it is the photographer, not the camera, that makes the picture.


Pawel Kwasnicki Pawel Kwasnicki   {K:9651} 5/2/2005
sorry, ...Jim, of course


Pawel Kwasnicki Pawel Kwasnicki   {K:9651} 5/2/2005
Congratulations Dear Eric! Best regards, Pawel


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 5/1/2005
Absolutely great, 'Silly mode' often works wonders for me too. Nice to meet you and congrats on winning with a really great picture. and making a 'great composition of the winning composition' but then maybe I am getting in silly mode again. SIncere congrats Jim


Alejandra Figueroa Alejandra Figueroa   {K:849} 5/1/2005
Congrats on the award and a lovely picture.


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 4/30/2005
Fantastic Jim, on all counts. Kudos on the award AND on getting those results from 2MP. When I got my first digital camera (the Casio QV3000 3.2MP), and began asking questions about how large I'd be able to go, I was told, "You must have at least 300ppi" to get quality images, and the discerning eye can tell when the image degrades. My local lab was very snooty with me when I would go in and try to enlarge "substandard" images. Several years later I was hearing a different story: "You know, we've been finding that people can go much larger than we expected." What I have found is that it depends on different factors whether pixelation will become a problem, and of course clarity or graininess can become an issue as well. But we should not limit ourselves to "rules," and instead just try to keep the "rules of thumb" in mind so that we don't get bit when we try to go large and can't. That said...before I purchased my Nikon, I did work for hire (portraiture) with that Casio, and it was perhaps not the best solution but all I had and I learned so much with it. It is still my backup and you will see it employed throughout my portfolio. In my most popular image ("Youth"), I used both! Again, kudos to you, congrats, and neener neener to snobbery. :) Antonia


Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 4/30/2005
congratulations! :)


Naomi Weidner Naomi Weidner   {K:6636} 4/30/2005
Congratulations. Wonderful job for only 2m pixels. -- Naomi


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 4/30/2005
Just goes to show, art has little to do with rules, regulations and specifics. It's all about instinct, light and passion. Congrats on a wonderful image!


James Silcock   {K:12501} 4/30/2005
Well done, it is a beautiful floral deserving of recognition. 2M pixels though, wow , a great BIG print from so few pixels. Excellent work.



John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 4/30/2005
CONGRATULATION JIM!!What an honor!You did a super job on this photo!Wonderful printing , matting and framing of the beautiful flower!You did good Jim!!!Take care!My best........................John


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 4/30/2005
Congratulations , Welldone .



Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 4/30/2005
Congratulations! it's very beautiful picture indeed!


Janine White   {K:336} 4/30/2005
Well done to you...a deserving winner too from the looks of it. Excellent colour and composition.
The presentation is spot on.


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 4/30/2005
congrats! yes the canon i9900 is awesome.. i have it as well.. i am sooo happy with it! congrats again...



Pat Fruen Pat Fruen   {K:12076} 4/30/2005


Eric Peterson   {K:4419} 4/30/2005





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