Luca Clemente
{K:418} 6/27/2005
6 tenerissima fa venire voglia di kinarsi x raccogleire e pacioccare questa palla di pelo bianca......tarantolata.....ed ansimante per lo scatto da centometrista bella bravvv!!! Luca!
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 4/12/2005
You really captured this little dogs energy here. Very well done. Thanks for sharing. :)
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 4/11/2005
Wonderful motion shot, the expression is priceless. You have done a wonderful job capturing this little guy. Alison
Daniele Di Marco
{K:532} 4/11/2005
Confermo e ribadico!! Buono scatto Max! Bella la scena e come è fermata l'azione! Ciao. Daniele.
Subata Kitano
{K:2717} 4/11/2005
heh. it looks like a lion...
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 4/11/2005
The dog's energy shouts out, great timing and composition. Well done.
Alberto Zilio
{K:448} 4/11/2005
Great shot, very fast this litle dog.Congrats Alberto
Paola Pandolfini
{K:1176} 4/11/2005
Excellent choice of right moment!
Kevin Christensen
{K:3891} 4/11/2005
Hahaha, that's a great moment you've captured there, good job having an eye for that! Great feeling of motion there. :)