I used to see this worm on my way to school every morning specially in the spring time. I noticed this one wondering alone and i took this shot. I don't know what it's for or what it does. Hope anyone knows and might tell me:) Hope you like it. p.s. Best seen at a 800 by 600 screen resolution. All comments and critics welcome.
Wonderful Photograph Manuel, Great Colors. Very well presented. Next time try a couple of different shots. 1. shoot at an angle to reduce the shadow. 2. shadow the subject with your shadow to reduce the glare. 3. reduce your exposure bias when shooting in bright sun.
I played with your photo with PSP. I used the curve tool to change the brightness and contract to reduce the dark shadow... Hope you don't mind.
Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the wonder comment on my Photo... Peter Daniel My Bug... http://www.usefilm.com/image/590934.html