Being from the east coast I had never been to a desert. So, when I was in San Diego (for the first time) I decided to drive east for a couple of hours to see what a desert looked and felt like up close. In the very short hour I had there, I found myself in awe and in pain. If you notice the spiky catus to the right of the tree, I was completely surrounded by those during this shot which is why the shot isn't perfectly framed. Anyway, I wish I had more time. Deserts are really cool. (irony)
Probably the 24 would do it........Warren I agree about the looming tree, love the effect and the power it seems to be weilding over the lower cactus. I diagree about lightening this all...I think the contrast works beautiful. yes as Nan suggested, to see more of the touch down of the left tree would add a bit more power. All in all you created a very good, strong image.
Nanette, I really needed a 20mm or 24mm lens in this situation. It was a really tight spot and I was short on time. I was completely surrounded by angry little cacti that shed these little balls of spikes. The ground was littered with them like booby-trapped yellow kiwi fruit. I had to sacrifice a little on the framing. But I liked the way the tree fanned out against the sky. If I had to do it again I would have lightened the sky 1/2 stop, but it was also rather breezy. Thanks again.