There is a little girl... who will be celebrating her BIRTHDAY... March 6th., and it is said...
An interesting financial picture is taking shape this month, I say ?interesting? because it is anything but predictable. Maybe you should appreciate your piggy-bank?s feelings in the matter - have a heart to heart, get to know each others likes and dislikes?. If that doesn?t work then you need to get into gear and get organized in practical ways. A new financial initiative could be supported by the New Moon on the 10th March - this could be related to a friend, group or organization of some kind.
Discussions may be mostly around finances just now, you may need to make a decision - be flexible and open to new ideas. Resist any temptation to splash out on a whim.
After the 20th previous arrangements may have to be re-thought or fine-tuned. Communications with those close to you could lead to misunderstandings around mid-month. The Full Moon on the 25th may bring foreign connections, study or travel into the frame. Look at the bigger picture now and it may stand you in good stead for a new initiative later on this year.
Keep a weather eye on health and emotional well-being before the 20th. Be prepared for an element of sacrifice or working steadily behind the scenes - a good time for spiritual seeking. From the 20th energy levels rise and vitality returns. You will feel fired up and ready to steam ahead with plans-you will have more enthusiasm and joie de vivre. For some, life is about to lift you by the seat of your pants and catapult you into a new situation.
ACTIVE AREAS: Finances - Work/Wellbeing
KEYS TO HAPPINESS: New Initiatives - Exploration
Compliments of BBC & Cornwall based astrologer Diana