Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/14/2005
Stunning creation with vivid colours. What a pity to discard it. Thankyou so much Curtis for your wonderful comment on my image.
Francesca May
{K:6877} 3/11/2005
nice colored shot!
Curtis Feather
{K:5130} 3/7/2005
thanks for the reply and the comments. i'll keep an eye out for your new work.
Joseph Flores
{K:293} 3/5/2005
The colors are just amazing! Thank you for your comment on one of my pictures. I agree with you that film is still wonderful and I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I think film photography is a more challenging and more skillful artform. I love digital and all that can be done with it. But I think if two identical pictures were placed side-by-side, and one was taken with digital and one with film, I would respect and admire the film one more because I think working with film is way more challenging. Your portfolio is very good.
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 2/27/2005
yesterday I saw the famous movie 'seven years in tibet' about Heinrich Harrer and the Dalai Lama and the moment where the chinese generals came for a visit and they destroyed the sand mandala to give a negative impression...the start sign for the offensive against Tibet...living peaceful in this world is perhaps the most difficult target to reach...
Thanks for this moment...
Cheers, Verena
Heidi Andrade
{K:624} 2/21/2005
This is wonderful - great color and presence!
I observed the same ceremony several years ago at the local university. The monks gave out small samples of the swept together sand before they threw most of it in the nearby river. I still keep two tiny vials of that sand today - one at home and one in my office at work.

Tony Diana
{K:13396} 2/20/2005
Una captura estupenda de labor, saludos