{K:10535} 2/24/2005
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 2/24/2005
hi, missed this one among others while i was away...love it! Haven't been to MOMA in many yrs.,so nice to get another glimpse through YOUR brilliant eyes,Thilo...great slender vertical format keeping it tidy and oh so effective...this image belongs in MOMA!...to my faves...regards,gayle (7+)
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 2/24/2005
Fabulous piece, work weel done! *7*
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 2/23/2005
Thilo. Excellent. Art +Art +Art. Greetings from Argentina Romy
Mohammad Hamdan
{K:351} 2/22/2005
Clever idea, I love smart combination. I did not like the horizontal asymmetry.
Marcia .
{K:16108} 2/17/2005
Fantastic work!!! I loved this one but all of your portfolio is really great. Strong style and high quality of the images. Congratulations.
Thank you for your visit, I?m glad with your comment. :)
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/27/2005
I like the composition.. I think it would look good with or without the man... the colors and lighting are excellent...the lines are great in this shot.. think you did an fantastic job.... good work..
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 1/17/2005
I like it maybe a little crop above. Ciao E.
Fabrizio N.
{K:52} 1/14/2005
You caught a great moment, the classical right time at right place. Very nice shot, congratulations!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hi Neil,
thanks a lot for the comment critics. the idea to crop at the yellow part is probably the best idea to overcome the differences in framing. will keep that idea in mind.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
hi brad,
*getting red*
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hey todd,
I would suggest to wait a couple of months so that the tourist masses are satisfied ;-)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hi Erik,
you nailed my thoughts down. thanks!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hi Verena,
zuviel der 7er-ehre =)
london ist auch genial, ich würde da 2005 auch gerne hingehen und mal fotos machen. war schon oft da, hab aber nie was gerissen (bildtechnisch).
LG, Thilo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Dear Roby,
thanks for your kind words, my friend.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hi Sergio,
wow, I feel flattered. thanks a lot!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/14/2005
Hi STefan,
I would love to have more symmetry in the framing, too. unfortunately, the architects decided to make weird things in the upper area (which I had to cut off).
thanks for the honest feedback.
Sergio Sánchez
{K:2350} 1/14/2005
Just wonderful, to mi favorites. The crop is fantastic, giving it a great look.
{K:3499} 1/13/2005
Interesting, like this very much good colors fascinating patron & nice light effect!
Regards K.
John Griep
{K:2521} 1/13/2005
Very,Very good composition Thilo. Art on it's own. Like the format as well. Groet John
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/12/2005
Hi Uwe,
wow, danke der ehre. freut mich, dass dir das teil gefallen hat =)
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 1/12/2005
aber hallo, was'n starkes teil, elches ichgleich mal zu meinen favs packe. respekt...und das mit dem special look ist dir voll gelungen....klasse.
vg, uwe
{K:26787} 1/11/2005
Very cool work Thilo ... well composed and presented ~ I like how the "doll" is looking upwards :)
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 1/11/2005
Hi Thilo, i like this one of yours, in fact i think this is one of your best :) The cropping works really well and the lighting is great. The small differences betwenn the stairs - perfect. I might have tried to crop a little of the top, so it starts where the yellow banding is, but thats just my opinion. Thanks for your comment and best wishes also for 2005 Neil
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 1/11/2005
this is perfect shot, Thilo!
{K:1739} 1/11/2005
Excellent. The light and the geometry with in the doll house is perfect. The compsition and the idea is superb. I wish you had the mising upper part of the window. Keep up the good work.
Fadel J
{K:13974} 1/11/2005
You have great eyes indeed Thilo, so creative!
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 1/11/2005
Your vision continues to grow, Thilo. I would give you my vote as "most improved photographer"....not that you weren't good before....it's just that you are playing at a whole new level these days! You have a fantastic eye, and the ability to do something with it! ..Brad
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 1/11/2005
stunning shot Thilo!! i love the odd cropping style, gives the shot a very unique look. wonderful composition as well. i can't wait to visit the new MOMA by the way. well done. todd
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 1/10/2005
Very nice concept and execution, bro. Good one! CB
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 1/10/2005
brilliant crop. You have a very good eye!
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 1/10/2005
Nice one Thilo! The extreme crop really works for this one. The energy is interesting with the human subject placed in the upper third of the frame, gazing up and to the left. The cool part is that there is so much "empty space" underneath him. Herein lies the tension. NICE!!
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/10/2005
Magnificent natural framing and a superb capture Thilo - the perspective is very good.
Very well seen and also a good decisive moment :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 1/10/2005
7 für den Weg in die Helligkeit... 7 für das Format... 7 für den natürlichen Doppelrahmen... 7 für den Titel...
für mich geht es erstmal nach London, NYC wartet noch ein Weilchen auf mich...
ich liebe die Möglichkeiten im Museum...
lg Verena
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/10/2005
woooww thilo my dear.. have captured a minimalist sense of stairs and life .. the life ..The life is a stair, there is who gets down it and there is who climb up. magnific mood and atmospehre! cheers roby 7+
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 1/10/2005
Great shot Thilo... Love the cropping... I think you created here a very geometric composition... and very appealing to the eyes... D
Definetely museums are in most cases a piece of art in themselves... and yes, I agree with you since we live in a dollhouse...
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 1/10/2005
Hi Thilo, fantastic capture with a great frame and composition, like thgisone very much, very original.. cheers Baki
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 1/10/2005
Amazing composition,like ur crop to enhance the texture,very well done,congrats!!!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 1/10/2005
I love how modern art museums are themselves works of art - very fertile photo grounds with great potential. You realized it very well here. Only nit would be a more complete framing (on top). The warm light is very inviting and it offsets the otherwise slightly clinical sense of that austere staircase.
{K:4565} 1/10/2005
magic composition ! like it so much Regards
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 1/10/2005
Wonderful effect!
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 1/10/2005
Hi Thilo, ich würde jetzt am liebsten nur 'masterpiece'sagen....in Anlehnung an Icerock. 7++++ LG,Ursula
z z
{K:7231} 1/10/2005
I like it. It doesn't appear at first glance that the stairs do not match up. Interesting how you found art in someone looking at art. =)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/10/2005
Hi Hugo,
thanks a lot for the inspiring and encouraging feedback. In fact, I love to shoot in museums. maybe it's the atmosphere, maybe the art environment that makes one "arty" =)
take care, thilo
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/10/2005
Hi Thilo, Very creative shot, and very ingenious. I completely agree. Big brother is watching. While I type this, someone might even be watching over my sholder without me noticing it....;)
Very clean shot, and a perfect presentation. The centered, static layout of the composition is IMO the only possible solution, and it works perfect in creating the mondernist approach to shape and form. I can see how it appeals to you; as it's minimalistic, following the design philosophy of the Ulm Hochschule für Gestaltung and the influence Diter Rams had on Braun design for exactly half a century.
Absolutely a great shot. Clean, simple and effective.
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/10/2005
your welcome ;) I just cant stop watching this picture:P
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/10/2005
Dear Abel,
thanks a lot for your kind words.
Take care, thilo
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/10/2005
WOW superb shot!! A wonderfull abstracT!! deserves a price! Great work!!
Best wishes abel