{K:1446} 1/15/2005
Cok guclu bir foto. Renkler ve ayrintilar cok guzel. Fon cok guzel. Portfolyonda en ok bunu sevdim. Yorumun icin tesekkurler.
João Luiz
{K:701} 1/6/2005
Firstly I would like to congratulate it for the poetry. Second for the humility in portraying with beauty and color an only, simple moment and that allows to appreciate the beauty that the picture, that the film, that the color and that the light is capable to provide. [7 +++]
Best 2005,
J. Luiz
Igor Gatnik
{K:2300} 1/6/2005
Effective colours. I think that the photo would be more colour effective if the girl turned back to viewer.
kerem yucel
{K:1438} 1/2/2005
renkler, isik ve ifade. birini yakalrsin biri eksik kalir hepsi olur o an sana bakmaz... bu fotograf cok guzel olmus. ellerine saglik. sanki yagmur sonrasi tertemiz olmus bir hava var orada.
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 12/29/2004
Selam Cenk, I tried B&W before sending the colored version (I usually use color in photos rarely, maybe because of my photographic tendencies). But I decided on color for this photo. Another comment by Fabrice states that B&W is also nice. Thank you for giving it (B&W version) a chance.
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 12/29/2004
Evet rüya gibi geldi o gün. Hava da acikti. Ben ilk defa gittim. Daha once gitmememin nedeni de carsamba semti ile karistirmammis. Balatlilar cok candan icten insanlar. hele cocukları o kadar fotojenik ki insan cekiyor. Biraz yukari cikinca carsamba semtine geliyorsun. Orada carsafsiz kimseye raslamak ya da sakalsiz birini gormek pek mumkun degil. Geldigin yone geri donerek oradan cikabiliyorsun :) Iyi calismalar.
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 12/29/2004
Selam Alper, Uzun zamandan beri gitmek istedigim bir mekan Balat.Sanirim bu mekanda elde ettigin bir cok guzel karede vardir. Cok guzel bir calisma olmus, ellerine saglik.Tebrikler.
{K:4753} 12/28/2004
Gercekten cok basarili bir calisma. Renkler de super olmus. Tebrikler.
{K:61359} 12/28/2004
I like the colors of this shot, but I like the work of Cenk in B&W.. Probably more powerfull. Anyway, the composition is very nice. Well done. Cheers Fabrice
{K:1739} 12/28/2004
very well composed with colors and the look of the little girl. I wonder what it would be like in B&W. So I tried a sample. Hpoe you like it. Cheers.

Michele Berti
{K:14921} 12/28/2004
superb capture: that's beautiful & colorful, really a great scene. I love this idea and trying to get something decent as well. COngrats.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 12/28/2004
A wonderful photograph AlperThe colors jump right out! Very well shot and viewed! Take care...........JOHN