vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/27/2005
I must be honest i did not think feet could make a great picture,but you proved me wrong.regards vanessa
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 2/14/2005
that's an interesting thought. I never saw it that way but that is probably true. It was at night just before bed time. We were lieing on the carpet playing with his toys.
Peter Bowers
{K:181} 2/14/2005
I think this shot works because of whats not in the image, so we tend to imagine a happy child...
Girish Menon
{K:1384} 2/13/2005
Nice composition.
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 1/6/2005
I love children's feet too! They change just as much as the child's face and it's interesting to see. Great shot and DOF!
Birgit Heidrich
{K:142} 1/2/2005
wunderbar in s/w ..klasse foto
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 12/26/2004
Thanks everyone for their feedback! The ISO was 200 or 400, don't remember exactly and the exif data doesn't seem to show it (or I can't find it). The original is very close to that framing I only converted it to B&W. I tend to use the channel mixer in PS. I know many people convert to lab color for B&W conversion but I found the channel mixers works best for me. As much as I like the D70 right now I fell in love with my new (second hand) MF camera.
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 12/26/2004
Hi David - I would love more info on this shot. What iso ?? Love your persepctive... Happy Holidays :-) Dina Marie
José Azevedo
{K:9845} 12/23/2004
The feet, I mean... The signature is trying to compete with them for attention. But the feet win by far. Nice shot.
Regards from Brazil,
Jose Azevedo
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 12/23/2004
Very touching shot. It's beautiful.
{K:20268} 12/23/2004
David.... very very cool..... love this shot. also love your signiture....., we should all do this more often, then when we see a photo we know who took it and can be recognised, i have had comments to me from people that don't like it, i feel we should be remembered as the photographer, not just of what the photo is of. Keep it up. cheers kel