Gustavo Eulalio
{K:3777} 12/15/2004
Great shot, Barbara. Very expressive title indeed.
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 12/12/2004
Perfect. In my fav. Nothing else to say. Regards E.
Justin Roberts
{K:382} 12/11/2004
I like the choice of focal point hazel
Marcio Galvão
{K:2149} 12/11/2004
Wonderful shot, Barbara! great d.o.f work, congrats.
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 12/11/2004
great shot.
Hamed Noori
{K:6805} 12/11/2004
Very interesting shot....Bravooo
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 12/11/2004
FANTASTIC! Master's work! 7+++++++ Regards, Miguel
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/11/2004
like always impressive and fantastic perspective.. you see a just mode.. the down point of view is perfect for a big effect and emotion.. the girl with the cats.. in the floor! wonderfully DOF! take care roby 7+
but i'm courious.. is your sister?!!? ;-)
Jorge Pla
{K:131} 12/11/2004
perfect angle for this shot. its leg almost touches us. the human background balances the image with a touch of class. great!
David Firth
{K:786} 12/11/2004
I really like the composition on this shot, well done
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 12/11/2004
Great shot. I like it. Bye.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 12/11/2004
great use of DOF; like it