Thanks. I'm just starting this search for a scanner. Epson make some good gear. Don't know whether to spend the money on a scanner or a better digital camera. I have a decent collection of Olympus lenses and a few OM cameras. Seems a pity to think of retiring them. Ed
Ed Epson Perfection 1670 scanner, this was bought 12 months ago. It scans 2 slides at a time or 3 negatives. Can probably pick up a better scanner now for your money. From memory I think I payed around $390 for the scanner. Bruce
Last turn... ha! Great shot, Bruce! I'd like work on something like this. It'll take a long time though, I suspect. Some shots take years to capture, I've found. I thought our garden - 5 acres of native plants and trees - had just about every variety of grevillea, but we don't have one with those leaves yet. Must investigate this. What kind of scanner are you using for your Kodachromes? Fantastic film. I pulled some K 25 slides out taken 35 years ago (ouch!) on my Praktika (don't anyone EVER knock Zeiss optics!) and the colour was as true as ever. This film doesn't fade with the years, as some other emulsions do, even today. I'm interested in finding a reasonalbly priced film scanner. Thanks for sharing, Ed