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Hubbly Bubbly
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Image Title:  Hubbly Bubbly
Favorites: 0 
 By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Khaled Mursi Hammoud  Khaled Mursi Hammoud {Karma:54005}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Portrait
Black & White
Lens Nikon  28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF
Uploaded 10/16/2004 Film / Memory Type Lexar 256 MB
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2734 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 31 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City -  Cairo
State - 
Country - Egypt   Egypt
About There are so many different names for this unique smoking device. Some call it a hookah, hooka, shesha, huka, nargile, narghile, shisha, shesha, sheesha, nargila, or shishah.
The Nargile; as it is known in the Middle East; has been the standard of smoking for centuries in the middle east. Hubbly Bubbly smoking is quite common at restaurants and cafes all across the middle east.
Hubbly Bubbly history is rich and very controversial. It is said that the water pipe originated in India where it was made from coconut shells and then spread to Iran and into different parts of the Arab world.
The Hubbly Bubbly started a whole new breed of smokers and today, it is even becoming more popular than cigarette and cigar smoking. For many, it offers a smoother, flavorful and cool taste of smoke over that of cigarettes and cigars. Because the smoke is filtered through cool water and the tobacco is flavored, the enjoyment is greater!

The actual adjustment: 1/160 - f/6.3
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There are 31 Comments in 1 Pages
Selcuk Edik Selcuk Edik   {K:-134} 1/31/2005
Dear Khaled this photo is great composition..realy perfect B/W tones..many times I used nargile :-) and I feel thats man happines and relax..:-) best regards...Sukran for your share.. seven+++


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 11/19/2004
Great street shot, I like the tone as well.


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 11/4/2004
I love it!B&W works well here.Great expression!


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 10/20/2004
Not much to say here... just GREAT.

I'm anti smoking yet


Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 10/19/2004
Dear Khaled, i really like your prospective always, it has something different, you go beyond a normal photography to capturing human souls, every picture you shot has something new.
This guy, he is so simple, so humble, from the picture you can see he has nothing, but from the smile you can say he has everything. It would be unfair to rate this picture, it is like trying to rate humanity.
Very well done brother, and you have a heavy task to do, which is maintaining the same level. Keep up, Regards,


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 10/18/2004
excellent image - a capture that definately protrays more than words ever could!!


// // // //   {K:6081} 10/17/2004
Fantastic Khaled.
Is very intresting image from your culture to the rest of the world.Bravo
My best wish


Maureen Platts   {K:-245} 10/17/2004
Hi Khaled - just checked out your portfolio and you are obviously a very talented photographer. Particularly love this shot! So many of your pictures take me back to a trip I made to Cairo and the big souk there. Fantastic!


Shahenaz Fouad   {K:453} 10/17/2004
This is really beautiful. Composition and capturing the right moment.
You're really a people's person making them comfortable to pose for you.


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 10/17/2004
This is amazing khaled!! wonderfull tones and details, I wish if that 'ola was not covering the shisha, but still this is a super image!!


Sally A.   {K:4601} 10/17/2004
i don't agree w/ the shisha, but yallah something to keep people busy..
i like the tone, and the yellow around the image/border it adds to the image.
very nice as usual.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 10/17/2004
Excellent tones and festive capture, the narrative is also very interesting, nice work.


Shady Adly Shady Adly   {K:7814} 10/17/2004
One of your best ya khaled, the tones is perfect, it looks like a piece from the beginning of last century ..very good


Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 10/16/2004
Excellent shot! Its great that you found a man in fully traditional clothing in Cairo (not so easy these days!). Looks like from 1001 nights!


Ahmed J Ahmed J   {K:6014} 10/16/2004
excellent shot. its a head thing ;) well done


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 10/16/2004
very relaxed while smoking! Excellent capture once again!


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 10/16/2004
Magnificent composition and tones! And just to fill you in a little American history, they were used a lot over here in the 70's and 80's, maybe even now, to smoke marijuana and other "illicits". Some put wine in them, instead of water. They were nicknamed Bongs.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 10/16/2004
Great portrait and great expresion. I love the B&W here and the filter of color too.


7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ excellent pic, color and presentation my friend. congrats


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 10/16/2004
7 Excellent .


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 10/16/2004
Skillful and perfect shot,it has the most attractive elements to catch the eye,superb.Saeed


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 10/16/2004
Great story in the ABOUT Khaled, I love to read them. You have taken a really well balanced photo here, I love the perspective, with the foot coming at us. Beautiful lighting and detail. He defenitely looks like he is enjoying his day.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 10/16/2004
Great portrait of the smoker, Khaled, and thanks for the informative "about"! I like your toning, too.


Kunal Mehta   {K:2496} 10/16/2004
Khaled, I like the image and the text. Its always good to know more about the image. I appreciate your carefullness. Good job.


Enas Moussa   {K:7470} 10/16/2004
ya 3eeny 3alraw2aaaaan..
nice shot Khaled.. well done


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 10/16/2004
very well captured with a nice composition,the tone is very beautiful,regards


Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 10/16/2004
Excellent tones and contrast in this interesting image. The man is obviously enjoying his smoke.


Mark Susa   {K:2301} 10/16/2004
Beautiful portrait with nice sepia tone. Nice job and thank your for the About.
I immediately signs of a good photographer and browsed your portfolio quickly. Saw excellent works and I'll spend more time on them.
Thanks for commenting on mine.


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 10/16/2004
Great shot.. love the tones and the light! His expression and pose is fantastic! Very good composition.. 7++


Patrick J


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 10/16/2004
Excellent capture. Really like the tones and detail.


al Farrob al Farrob   {K:4087} 10/16/2004
Excellent photo and text, my friend
My best regards




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