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Soul  Magnet
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Image Title:  Soul Magnet
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 By: Regina Rianelli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Regina Rianelli {Karma:24147}
Project #24 The Decisive Moment Camera Model HP PhotoSmart 215
Categories Digital
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio FriendLy Smile
Art in pixels
Lens regular lens
Uploaded 8/31/2004 Film / Memory Type Sandisk CompactFlash Memory Card 16K
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 619 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/1.4
Critiques 54 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Rio de Janeiro
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About a splendid image with Maria of Nazareth,
who bears beautiful messages of
PEACE and LOVE throughout the world!

una splendida immagine della
Vergine Maria, portatrice di bellissimi messaggi di Pace e di Amore in tutto il mondo!!!

Dedicated to Orazio Ciak,
who is a great Friend.
Grazie per la Amicizia!
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There are 54 Comments in 1 Pages
Ferran Lacruz   {K:5466} 9/14/2004
Very beautiful this photo
Saludos Ferran


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/12/2004
hi there, Kim!

...feel the same way here!!! *wink*
so happy to meet YOU, my New Friend!!!

What a superb Serie of "Mother Teresa" house!!!

bowing to Your creativity and work,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/12/2004
Thanks for Your Comment, Enrique!

i think most Artists (painting and sculpture etc,) agree in similar views, i suppose...

i have seen the same statue and painting in many countries and they dont vary much, i guess...


Sorry i am not able to Comment about Your work yet!
i would like to see a picture of Yours and some of Your work, my New Friend...

btw ... are You from Peru' ?!?
i visited Arequipa, Puno, Trujillo and all... a few years ago!
Beautiful country!
Lovely people!!!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/12/2004
hi there, Nacho!

Thanks for visiting my POrtfolio...
sorry i was not able to understand *what* You were not able to find in my work, my Friend!

IF You mean Your photos, Nacho......... the ones i visited in Your "My trip to Kasahstan" Serie, please double check in each thumbNail there in the web-site entry, my Friend...

it took me about 2 hours and a half to take note of all of the photographs and pick up sellected Series, my Friend!

i recall they all start with the SAME "DSCN" entry... it's easy to pick all the numbers up that follows... Dear!

i thought that, perhaps, You would like to share with us, here at UF, some more of Your fabulous work, like the ones seen at: DSCN1306, DSCN1315 and DSCN1318 with those lovely Camels; DSCN1531, DSCN1537 and DSCN1423 with the Children having a ball!
...and DSCN1534 to share how the statue of Panther is without the kids... (perhaps both with Kids and without them could BE in ONE page, i feel...

i suggest something like this here, my Friend:

It would be very nice to see DSCN1080 with the panther Landmark including that remarkable Mountain foreground...
DSCN1147 with the local House type and both: DSCN1234 and DSCN1259 to compare and one of INSIDE as seen at DSCN1252...

If You find they are too many Photographs to add, Nacho, i would suggest that You add the smilar photographs, for example the Home type in ONE page and the others matching the SAME Context being published in the Comment area as i did here, my Friend.

i think we would all enjoy seeing DSCN1370, DSCN1373, and DSCN1105... DSCN1326 and Fountain Girls at DSCN1172, and the lovely young lady would be a plus, yes, i think, my Friend, as seen at DSCN1067, and the man walking with a purple 'Kippar' hat on the street... the young guys playing Chess in such colourful environment at DSCN1481... DSCN1481 with fruits so we can compare to what they also have in their Country, sweets and bread at DSCN1488 and DSCN1441...
i also like both shots DSCN1437 and DSCN1438 at the Market with the kids being pulled by their Dad: this time i would also suggest to have them BOTH in ONE UseFilm page, and so forth...

Ahhhh... can't forget the amazing Fountain at 1180! i humbly think they would ALL be very much appreciated here at UseFilm if they became part of what You already have submitted in Your UF Portfolio, Nacho...

You have a tremendoulsy interesting work that all Users would benefit from seeing, my Friend...

i sent in an e-mail to You MORE photographs picks than i wrote in here in Comment Area!

Hope You enjoy my Suggestions!

my Best,


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/12/2004
I love her!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 9/10/2004
leyendo sus comentatos busque sus fotos pero no encontre ninguna.nice day from Edmonton..


ENRIQUE TRUJILLO   {K:59} 9/10/2004
nice picture, good colors and definition. Sweet image of someone we do not even know what she really looked like, though.

just on the side remember that her son is who died for you on the cross, not her. She was just a human servant. He is who pay the price for you and I and whom you should honor. My point of view is that you should honor the creator, not the creation. questions? see your ten commandments written on the bible exodus chpt 20.
this is again just my point of view. No offense please.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/8/2004
hey there, Maria Luisa!

Thank YOU for your kind visit to my POrtfolio!

my Compliments to "Visit to the Valley"!!!
You have a lovely work!

kind regards,


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 9/8/2004
Beautiful image Regina... She looks so sweet... Love the details and the bacground...




Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/7/2004
Thank YOU, Emmanuel!
it's a very nice surprise to meet You again...
Thanks for visiting my Portfolio!

What a great "Natural Behavior" Serie!!!

my Compliments,


Emmanuel Panagiotakis Emmanuel Panagiotakis   {K:6267} 9/7/2004
nice picture with very nice shadows
nice and warm colors to


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/4/2004
hiya, Dearest Chris! happy to hear from You: WELCOME BACK!!!


sure thing, i never forget... but at times like this where Mothers have their hearts acking due to terrorism in Russia, i thought it would be nice to have Maria --- as 'Soul Magnet' --- in order her picture could send some Peace (((vibes))) through her loving eyes to the world too...
Yes, agree, sweet Jesus is everything we need!

kind regards and compliments on such wonderful Marine shots of Yours,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/4/2004
hey there, Jan!

Thank YOU for your kind visit and generous Comment to my work here presented...

Congratulations for "evening at the Pond"!!!'s a Favorite!

kind regards,


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/4/2004
Excellent photo, Regi ~ very sharp and clear.

Best regards, Chris

P.S. Don't forget that it's her Son they call the 'Prince of Peace'! ;-)


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 9/4/2004
Very beautiful with this soft light


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/3/2004
WOW........... thank YOU, Nacho!

i enjoy Your visits....

pls let me know if You like this:

CONGRATS for the great big sunflower and Your famous Series "My trip to Kazakhastan"!!!!

kind regards,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/3/2004
Dearest Opal,

so hapy Yuo enjoyed the photo of
Maria from Nazareth...

she is model of sweetness and gestures to me!

Congrats for "Santa napping"!!!

kind regards


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 9/3/2004


Opal    {K:3826} 9/3/2004
Regina, this is a really beautiful photo. Her face has the expression of peace and calm and Love..............Opal

Thank you for your nice comment about my photo


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/1/2004
hello there, my Dear Friend!!!

Thank YOU for visiting my work...
i am doing some schooling business here on-line, but was so happy to see You and decided to say "hi" back! *wink*

i intend to visit Your recent posts very soon!
sorry i have been so busy with work!

but wanted You to know that "le Bebe'" , "Malena", "water Pencil" and "NeXt" really made my day: CONGRATS!!!

kind regards and BIG hug from Your Friend in Brazil,


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/1/2004
oh, what a angelic and saint face dear Regina.
Thank you
Kisses, Biliana


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/1/2004
Wow........... agradeco sua gentileza, Carmem!

Parabens pela sua Serie de Voo Livre!!!
"Freedom" e "Twilight zone" sao D +

muita Paz,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/1/2004
hello there, Ozjan!

Thank YOU for Your encouraging Comment...
Your visit is always very pleasant: Shokran!

Congratulations for "on the Curve of Beauty"!!!

kind regards,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/1/2004
Shokran, Saeed!

i'm very happy that You enjoyed work + Dedication...
Orazio is a good Friend, like You and few others that show respect and write to each others and make Comments and pull the legs: it's so much fun!

CONGRATS for "Valley Guard"!

kind regards,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/1/2004
Ciao Orazio,
mi fa piacere che l'hai apprezzata!!!

la camara digitale l'hai de 2002...
ma uso poco, preferisco la otra. *wink*
la visita en Egito ho fatto con una camara diversa, Amico...

il background fa l'effetto di una pittura su il PS

Complimenti per un'immagine di notevole impatto visivo: "Conversation"!


un bacione e forte abbraccio,


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 9/1/2004
Grazie cara Regina,la dedica mi piace tanto ed è di mio gradimento.Devo confessarti che col tempo i tuoi lavori migliorano in modo repentino.Sarà forse perchè usi ormai una camera digitale?
Bellissimi i colori e la definizione.Il background non so se è naturale,ma se lo hai creato tu ,è veramente fantastico.


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 9/1/2004
regina.. é a imagem mais bonita que já publicou... e su não sou suspeita.. não sou religiosa... ficou linda!
Um abraço!


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 8/31/2004
A very beautiful & spiritual picture Regina and great thought of peace & love we all need on earth. A great dedication to Orazio as well. Cheers to both of you.


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 8/31/2004
Wonderful thought ,of the imagine of Virgin "Alaihaa al Salaam" ,I hope peace spread all over the world, wonderful dedication to our respected Friend ( grande amico Orazio).Thanks for sharing such wonderful thought. Saeed


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Hola, Tony!

muchas gracias por la visita a mi Portfolio!

lo felicito por "Street labor man"!!!



Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Querida Maria Jose',

muchissimas gracias por la visita en mi Portfolio, Amiga...........

la felicito por "Sunday" !!!



Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Ciao, Max!

ho un professore de inglese che me chiamava cosi': "Ciclone".......... lol
sei molto gentile, Max...

Complimenti per "L'homme En Bicyclette" e "Les Beaux Temps", Professore!!!

un bacione e un affettuoso abbraccio,


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 8/31/2004
Ha captado todo el espirito de la imagen


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 8/31/2004
Bellisimo retrato de la Virgen!
Bien hecho querida amiga!


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 8/31/2004
Ciao ciclone Regina, come stai?? Grazie del tuo bel commento!! Non sono credente, ma le immagini religiose non mi disturbano, c'è tanta serenità e dolcezza in questo sguardo e i messaggi di pace e di amore non hanno confini. Un abbraccio!!! Max


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
hiya, Zeev!

nice seeing You, my Friend!
Thanks for Your visit!

my Compliments for "Couldn't wait for a better day"! ... You did right!
it feels like a great place to visit!!!

i had the same problem with overcast days in my visit to Egypt and i didn't think it would be nice to my experience, if i had blue sky inserted using PhotoShop, so i decided to publish it anyways...


my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
hi there, Richard!

Thanks for Your visit to my Portfolio!

Congratulations for "Frauenkirche, Muenchen" and "Schwartzwald"!!!

my Best,


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/31/2004
Nice shot Regina

Best regards


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
hello there, Riny!

Thank YOU for Your Comment!

Congratulations for "LightHouse"!!!

Groetjes + Kus,


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 8/31/2004
This has personal meaning for you, so I cannot comment on it as a photograph.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Complimenti per la magistrale esecuzione, Orazio!

un bacio ed un affettuoso abbraccio,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
hello there, Bob!

nice meeting You again, my Friend!

Thanks for your kind Comment...

CONGRATS for "Butterfly", "Giant Onion" and "Kaffir Lily" that varies from Your famous and fascinating LightHouse Series!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Ciao, Luisa!
Nice meeting YOU!!!

Grazie del Commento che sono graditissimi!

Complimenti per suoi "l'aurora risplende di luce", "ed è subito sera", "magie veneziane" e affascinante "non avere paura"!!!

Auguri de Brasile,


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 8/31/2004
Beautiful photo Regina,I like it a lot
Kind regards...Riny.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 8/31/2004
Thankyou again Regi - anytime you know that :-)


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
hey there, Steve! *sparkle*

Thanks for Your Friendly input...
yes, Orazio sent me his overwhelming photo "for Benedetto Riba"
that is also a place of Devotion and prayers for world Peace!

the other Virgen Mary photos are from Brazilian worship places and the lady with her hand on her heart is making a prayer (people here use to place the hand on the heart when they mean something deep inside...) *wink*

Thank YOU, Steve!
... always enjoy to hear Your thoughts, my Friend!
i learned how to admire Your above-average skills and great sense of Humanitarian and Environmental Aid (with Your photos of children in Turkey
and the Eden Project shown at:
... plus You have been helping my students with Your tremendously amazing Portfolio!!!

Thank YOU, Steve!

my Best,


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Thank YOU, Teunis!

Congratulations on Your beautiful "Mill" Series:
all remarkable photographs!!!

Thanks for sharing!



Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
unleashed Journey through time on a world of merciless and pity where Brotherhood is the only weapon of unarmed Souls on the pursuit of Light and accomplishments!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 8/31/2004
Wonderful photo Regi and a lovely dedication to Orazio :-)

The lighting across her face is just wonderful and the composition is good.

I also like the about :-)

Just scrolled down and seen the other two submissions :-)

The lower one is particularly good - the lady is looking up and possibly even crossing herself at the same time ? Also capturing the cross in the background - super composition :-)


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 8/31/2004
Regina, an great shot
Peace on world here son Jesus give us that


Bob Pentz   {K:-318} 8/31/2004
A beautiful and moving photo. Such feeling.....Bob


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 8/31/2004
very beautiful this photo!
Thanks for the face of Maria


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Faith lifts us!


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/31/2004
Maria: Mother of the world!




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