Ned Ali
{K:11928} 8/21/2004
what a lovely model you have, Jeff!! i like those eyes :)
well done.
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 8/12/2004
Very nice picture of the cat and What dreadful news about the car accident.... I hope evrything turns out right, specially your health.
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 8/10/2004
Oh Jeff........... sorry to hear about the car crash!!! You and Your Family will be in my prayers!
Glad You brought Mickey to say "hi" to us, Dear Friend! great expression...
7 +, Regi
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/9/2004
Hi Jeff!!!!
Really a beauty... Love how the door frames the picture... Beautiful tones...
P.S. Sorry to hear about the accident... Hope the doctor said everything is OK... Accidents are always a calamity, but when one is ok... everything else can be worked... Hope everything is fine...
Raamses Ortiz
{K:4408} 8/9/2004
Hi Jeff,
Awesome photo. The deatils on the cat's eyes and face are excellent. The tones are very good.
Be seeing you...
Ps. I take even you both are Ok. Other wise you wouldn't post a photo. I hope nothing develop afterward and the proceding go you way too.
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 8/9/2004
Great portrait Jeff ! Excellent composition, superb B&W, Nice shot ! Congrats Regards...Walter
{K:30945} 8/9/2004
Love it. A bit hot spot at the end of her fur dear Jeff. but what a lovely and beautiful cat dear Kisses, Biliana
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 8/9/2004
Hi Jeff...I did not think I could enjoy your b&w as much as I enjoy your beautiful color photos..but I was wrong. I am sorry to hear about your mishap....I hope all will work out for both of you....Gloria
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 8/8/2004
Hey!..There Cynthia!...No Uploads for me to Comment on...Yet...Meow..meow!!! Mickey!
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/8/2004
Thanks for your interest in our history. Right now we are not very popular in the media (understatement) and are grateful to anybody who tries to understand us. There is a stort about Abba Eban. It is told that he once asked Ben Gurion how to explain one of our clashes with an Arab state, I don't remember which one. Ben Gurion answewred: "Just read Abba Eban's speech in the UN". Regards, Rafi
Cynthia Symes
{K:133} 8/8/2004
Mickey magnificent as usual. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 8/8/2004
Excellent kitty portrait. The foreground is washed out without detail, but the exposure is purr-fect on his face where it counts.
(Get well quickly!)
{K:5882} 8/8/2004
Hi Jeff.......What a Excellent cat pix.....as I said to our friend Maria Louisa .. she had a "hum-dinger" ......excellent cat pix are very rare .. and you have a real winner here. razor sharp .. detailed..... a classic. Bravo.
Sorry about your auto accident:(
~~~~~~~~~ Best ... Bill
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 8/8/2004
Hi! Rafi...Thank you for your Visit, and Comment!...Incidently I Read your Comment to Patty Moreno..Re: Milta!...I Study Historical World Events, Particularly that of Modern Israel!...and Have David Dayan's...First Strike...and was Truly Astonished...By Record of the Terrible the Hand to hand Fighting!!! Also Recording of Aban Eban's address to the United Nations! Regards: Jeff.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/8/2004
Sorry to hear about your accident, Jeff. The shock stoll shows in your erratic spelling. You must love your Mickey wery moch to have the patiebce to set the camera to B&W and take the not-loving-to-be-photographed cat's photo in such a marvelous way. "Mickey Outside Looking In!" is well composed and the diagonal frame (door-post?) conveys the feeling of being shut ourt very well. We also have a cat, Ginger, (attached, on her back, playing). Thank you for your detailed comment on my "Rain 3". Regards, Rafi

John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 8/8/2004
Great close up on the cat's face Jeff. Nice cat too, pretty grave tone at her excpretion. best regards!
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 8/8/2004
I love Mickey! The most beautiful cat in UF comunity! Regards Jeff!
[] Murilo
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 8/8/2004
perfect pet portrait! congrat!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/8/2004
Mickey! You have been missed! How sweet! I?m trying to get back.. after a PC?s catastrophe... I?ll see your father Jeff photos as soon as possible! Tell him! Oh, and tell it?s brazilian fathers day, today! Your fans are sleeping... but I?ll print your portrait to show them... Carmem