zosia zija
{K:11106} 7/21/2004
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 7/20/2004
this is very beautiful. i like the way the lit side of her face is balanced with the lily, but creating a tension at the same time. it's a contrast to the smooth tones of her skin and the flowy feel of her dress.
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 7/19/2004
beautiful work!
{K:2720} 7/19/2004
Fantastic poetical masterpiece... Very well done, congrats!
j w
{K:12641} 7/18/2004
I'll have to look at this one for about a million years before I'll be able to say anything intelligent about it. It's very beautiful. Very very beautiful.
The contrast and softness in the higher tones work very well, there's nothing harsh here at all. It's a pose we think we might know, but your treatment of it is so entirely yours that you give it new life, a twist, and I think the whole thing really sings. Wonderful!
Andrew Caldwell
{K:18307} 7/17/2004
Simply perfect. I love the high contrast, softened by the curves and smooth textures. Tender, though the wistful smile gives it another dimension. Superb shot going in my favorites.
Ola Svensson
{K:2651} 7/17/2004
sweet girl, nice pose and composition. keep it up Jay.
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 7/17/2004
i like everything about this portrait. that's all i have to say :-)