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A Good Book
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Image Title:  A Good Book
Favorites: 1 
 By: Paul Lara  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Paul Lara  Paul Lara {Karma:88111}
Project #37 Night Photography Camera Model Kodak DX6490
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Travels
Lens Schneider 21mm lens
Uploaded 6/26/2004 Film / Memory Type digital ISO 80
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1658 Shutter 5s
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 39 Rating
/ 16 Ratings
Location City -  Seattle
Country - United States   United States
About This is the view I enjoyed out my window while vacationing in Seattle, with the imposing structure of the Public Library just across the street.

The Seattle Central Library is an 11-story glass and steel building in downtown Seattle, Washington. Rem Koolhaas was the principal architect. The 362,987-square-foot public library can hold about 1.45 million books and other materials, features underground public parking for 143 vehicles, and is expected to draw about 8,000 visitors each day. It is the third Seattle Central Library building to be located on the same site at 1000 Fourth Avenue, the block bounded by Fourth and Fifth Avenues and Madison and Spring Streets.

Just 56 meters (185 feet) high, the Seattle Central Library is remarkable for its architecture rather than its height. (To compare, the Bank of America Tower, Seattle's tallest building, is 285 meters (937 feet), and the iconic Space Needle is 184 meters (605 feet) tall.) The library has a unique, striking appearance, consisting of several discrete "floating platforms" seemingly wrapped in a large steel net around glass skin. Herbert Muschamp, an architecture critic for The New York Times, described it as "a blazing chandelier to swing your dreams upon" and a "big rock candy mountain of a building."

The Seattle Central Library opened to the public on Sunday, May 23, 2004. Architectural tours of the building just recently began.
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There are 39 Comments in 1 Pages
alberto baez duarte alberto baez duarte   {K:8175} 1/1/2006
It is certainly an excellent picture. I like night photographs.This one came out real good.


Luis Diogo   {K:6019} 7/15/2005
Very nice the bulding and the lighting.. great work.


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 5/25/2005
Wow - how lame am I? Moved to CA in Jan 2004 and didn't even know about this building. :( I haven't been home yet so that's 1/2 the problem. Will have to go take a look - the old library was rather an eye-sore and SO outdated. Glad to see some change there. :) I used to work at the Columbia Tower (AKA BofA Building) and lived in an apartment behind Pike Place Market. Thanks for sharing a little bit of what's happening Paul. :)


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 5/9/2005
Thanks, John.
The window sill was MUCH steadier than my hand. ;)


[[dead account]]   {K:6692} 5/9/2005
The colors are lovely and your hands were steady. Bravo.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 4/25/2005
Thanks, Paula! This is one of my favorite shots.


Paula Grenside   {K:2811} 4/25/2005
Womderful capture; the lights make it the luminous city and give an extra charm to the building.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 3/7/2005
wow, frank...coming from an 'eye' like yours, this means a LOT. Thanks.


Frank Beer   {K:10112} 3/7/2005
Photo art at its best, Paul!

Overwhelming architecture capture!



G G G G   {K:61359} 10/3/2004
Wow, what a beautiful catch!! I like the light in this structure. Excellent


Peter Carucci   {K:1672} 8/30/2004
Excellent capture, Paul. Getting the shot of this interesting architecture at night makes this a very strong image.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 8/3/2004
...and a late thank you, Jim!


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 8/3/2004
Late congrats! I was on vacation that week. Don't know how I missed this post, other than to say...well, I was on vacation. Congrats! again!


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 7/10/2004
You did Paul...
Perfect shot ++++++++++++++++7


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 7/4/2004
congratulations for BIP!!!!


7+++++++++++++, now i see that i need to buy this lens and adapter, thanks my friend.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 6/30/2004
Hi Paul, this building is spectaculare, I am impressed, also about this good night-shot, super!

best regards,


Joshua Rainey   {K:5069} 6/30/2004
This is really a great shot Paul. Congrats on the BIP award, well deserved for this shot...


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 6/30/2004
Congrats for bringing a winner home!Very well deserved,Paul...great night shot/perspective and clarity are so well executed...very different from the library i was used to...haven't been inside yet...regards,gayle


Lyle Gellner   {K:35} 6/29/2004
Well seen,,,composed and presented,,your exposure is spot on,Paul!!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 6/28/2004
Wow what an incredibly beautiful and interesting building! And I love how you composed it, plus the light is really so perfect with nice and calm city night mood! Wonderful photo!

Ps. Thankyou so much for caring, it really meant a lot to me! And I think you are so right about loving. There is a saying that goes "Love me most when I don't deserve it because that is when I need it most". And actually... the first thing I did when I met her after she woke up, was to hug her and ask how she is.


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 6/28/2004
Paul, congratulations on this photo's selection as BIP. It's a great piece of night photography of a beautiful piece of architecture.



Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 6/27/2004
WoW!!!!! amazing detail and amazing shot.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 6/27/2004
Impressive shot Paul!
Congrats for BIP


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/27/2004
Yes, futuristic is indeed a word. ;)
Thanks, man!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/27/2004
Thanks for the kind words, Graham.
Yeah, the satisfyingly deep focus is because I used my 21mm Schnieder wide angle.

Truth...I had a tripod, but got precisely the angle I needed resting my camera on the windowsill (which is visible lower right). I debated whether to crop or clone it out, and then ultimately decided the dark patch wasn't distracting, as the eye is lead to the well-focused glass lattice, and then keeps returning despite visual forays to the periphery.


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 6/27/2004
This is A great shot. It has a feel of some of the computer games now available. Very striking and futureistic. Is that a word?
Well done


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 6/27/2004
This is great Paul with a perfect exposure. Clarity and DOF are great especially considering the aperture used. A well deserved award.7+


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 6/27/2004
Great,magnificent architectural picture,really impressive!!! Many congrats Paul!! Antonella 7


BILL MAHLER   {K:5882} 6/27/2004
Congratulations Paul on the "bip" award....... powerful photo. .... damn powerful.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best .... Bill


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/26/2004
Wow! I won something! Thanks guys, I've NEVER won anything for my photos before. COOOOL!!


Z.Z.    {K:652} 6/26/2004
Fantastic night shot


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 6/26/2004
Hi Paul, Superb shot, very well exposed, and an awesome perspective. I like this one alot. Unusual building.... The high view point reduces its obvious gigantic size to eye level perspective, but the car below adds a very nice reference to the actual size.

And, congratulations with the BIP!




Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/26/2004
This was an 8-second exposure very late at night, Blu.


Enjoy    {K:16125} 6/26/2004
Looks very bright for evening time... soooo


Gloria Fusco   {K:7054} 6/26/2004
Hi definitly had a "a room with a view" the composition in the way you have chosen to frame the Library with the surrounding buildings...light and tones are excellent.It is an amazing sight..thank you for sharing...Gloria


Murilo Rafael de Souza   {K:19577} 6/26/2004
Great night shot Paul, and.... beautiful place!

[] Murilo


Jeff Fiore   {K:11277} 6/26/2004
Nice! Very interesting building and shooting it at night really adds strong appeal to the image and the building.


Ivan Møllebjerg   {K:6079} 6/26/2004
Hi Paul - Excellent details in this picture, one really get the "big city" feel. Great work!!




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