Rocco T
{K:4130} 10/27/2004
another splendid work! regards.
David Bircham
{K:1300} 10/5/2004
Gorgeous Sunrise! Thank you! db
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/2/2004
Sunrise, you have some incredible work in your portfolio. I really like the way you have used the light in this image to create the drama. Excellent work.
Miguel Cary
{K:816} 8/25/2004
Muito bom. Parabéns! :)
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/9/2004
Felicidades por el premio, es preciosa
{K:30945} 7/8/2004
wow. excellent dear sunrise, love it. and congratulations for the BIP Kisses, Biliana
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 6/27/2004
Hi, the dark shadows & contrast and the hard light makes it very interesting and special, SUPER!
best regards, *Pia*
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 6/21/2004
Superb composition... very good atmosphere... Congrats ( great portfolio too!!)
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 6/21/2004
i love this shadow photo!
Bulent Bildik
{K:343} 6/19/2004
very nice & where is this nice passege road?
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 6/16/2004
Parabéns pelo BIP! Muito bem merecido! Um abraço! Carmem
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 6/13/2004
this is in my favourites, really excellent..
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 6/13/2004
Wonderful work!!Splendid!!
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 6/12/2004
Excellent shadow image -- K
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 6/12/2004
Dominikus BW
{K:500} 6/10/2004
what can i say... superb...
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 6/10/2004
Oh Sunrise, it?s a stunning image, I really love it for the great story behind and for the wonderful light, the BIP is fully deserved. Hugs Max
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/10/2004
fantastica Immagine.... Luce poderosa! Complimenti ciao donato
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/9/2004
eu bem te disse que ela estava fantástica, merecidíssimo destaque!!! beijinho
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 6/9/2004
beautiful excellent work regards
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 6/9/2004
Very very strong reflections, silhouettes and composition. one of your best! cheers, thilo
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 6/9/2004
Hey, look at that! Congrats to the BIP! Cheers! Carlheinz
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 6/9/2004
Excellent, very creative shot, Sunrise! It really deserves the BiP; congrats! Cheers, Paolo
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 6/9/2004
Excelente trabalho. Parabéns!
c c
{K:13449} 6/9/2004
The shadows add so much strength and depth to this shot....almost makes the boys looks bigger and stronger....able to handle what's on the other side of the tunnel.
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 6/9/2004
this is awesome! love the deep shadows.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 6/8/2004
Your pictures are getting better and better!!! Cheers! Carlheinz
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 6/8/2004
Grandes garotos ..grande foto ..bem titulada!!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 6/8/2004
linda foto
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/8/2004
Excellent play with light and shadows. Very well composed.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 6/8/2004
wow... this is utterly beautiful.... great lighting, contrast, good mood. Congrats.
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 6/8/2004
beautiful, Sunrise (more a sundown here ! eh !)
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 6/8/2004
Fantastica foto. admiro tu talento felicitaciones.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 6/8/2004
excellent.. like everything about this photo... and also like the natural framing (if it is natural :) )good work
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/8/2004
superb. 7
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 6/8/2004
Vejo que colocou-a no portfolio Experiências. No meu entender, a experiência é um sucesso, sunrise. Tudo tem muita força nesta foto. Detalhes nítidos aqui em frente que vão se perdendo lá no final. Uma foto de impacto e muito bela. Um abraço, Marília
Ran Brosh
{K:1498} 6/8/2004
Veru nice. Like the sharp contrast. Ran.