Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 5/19/2006
Tickling my fancy again, ehh?! I love to see this on the front page. Congrats on POD. Antonia
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/23/2005
nice idea! good job
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 1/25/2005
Artistic. Stefan, Thank you for sharing your technique
Ori Vidra
{K:3214} 1/6/2005
This is true art. 7++.
emily savva
{K:21113} 10/17/2004
oh... i just discovered this one.... simply amazing... so fine and ethereal... i always loved to put dyes in water just to see the beautiful smokey patterns they create... fantastic images... (think i'll steal your idea to try it as well... ).... exceptional work Stefan... and a well deserved award too... emy :)
Kevin J. Pellerine
{K:484} 6/20/2004
Wonderful series. I do wish they were a more uniformed sizing so they fit together a bit smoother. They work so well and my eyes keep going to the size difference of the 3 pieces and wondering why, thus time away from the image('s) itself. All in all a great thought up piece of work.
tom rumland
{K:14874} 6/10/2004
stefan, the dyes are back! excellent! i really like them in black and white. the dyes and patterns are more visible against the white background. great contrast. laying them out in this triptych format and using different widths for each image make this look like a charcoal on canvas painting (or is it a drawing?). i can definitely see this hanging on my wall.
take care, tom
PS - congrats on the PoD!! and the EC too!!! well deserved.
Susan Cropper
{K:2166} 6/9/2004
Fabulous, what a unique idea. I thought it was smoke. I'm going to go visit the rest of your portfolio.
John Barclay
{K:3650} 6/9/2004
This is just terrific! Very artistic and well presented. This should be in a gallery on display and for sale.
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 6/9/2004
well, well, well deserved. brilliant shot.
Q Zhang
{K:3946} 6/9/2004
beautiful creations.
Johnny K
{K:12635} 6/9/2004
Great job !!!
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 6/9/2004
bonito. parabéns!
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 6/9/2004
absolutely fantastic !!! a wonderful composition... a great idea ! ciao ! tommy.
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 6/9/2004
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 6/9/2004
Absolutely incredible. Most original idea and the results speak for themselves.
Regards, megan
{K:30945} 6/9/2004
wow.. wonderful. so great idea and representation. bravo. congrats. Kisses, Biliana
Gustavo Eulalio
{K:3777} 6/9/2004
Congrats, Stefan. Very beautiful picture. Interesting effect.
Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 6/9/2004
just beautiful! definitely a level i'd like to aspire to.
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 6/9/2004
great work.. very creative! congrats Baki
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 6/9/2004
Stefan, congratulations on being selected Photographer of the Day!! It is well deserved! I don't know how I missed commenting on this photo - it's really quite beautiful (and aptly titled!) So graceful.
Ken Tinley
{K:1856} 6/9/2004
that is nice
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 6/9/2004
Congrats, very creative idea :)
best regards, *Pia*
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 6/9/2004
Great idea .. excellent photos regards fokstrot
Rabat Tabar
{K:3948} 6/9/2004
great idea very well realized congrats rabat
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 6/9/2004
congrats for the well deserved POD stefan!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 6/9/2004
Ghost Dance!...congrats on POD today!!! very well deserved,Stefan..thanks for sharing your experiments and inspiring all of us..the longer you look at these the more unexpected images appear ..very cool..regards,gayle
Hugo Macedo
{K:323} 6/1/2004
WOW!!! I haven't seen such a beautiful shot in a long time..You've got some imagination there!!!I really REALLY LOVE this type of photo ant this is by far de best I've seen.. the three frames, in diferent sizes, really gives it a special touch..amazing work!!!
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 5/19/2004
I like this series of yours.... a lot.
João Martins
{K:2754} 4/26/2004
As said before... Your pictures are... WOW, just WOW. Great idea, wonderful composition! Cheers
Andriete Paris
{K:2381} 4/26/2004
Amazing picture. Congrats.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 4/25/2004
howwww i thought thay was smoke!!!!!smoke can be very goog.. well my paintings they were on line but the web master take them of, for some reason....as i cant do or restaure the page ,cose i am un unable net user........i invented this thing of layers....i thougt people may show som interest ....this is a secret Stefan !!!! and i need damnly to sell them.......!!!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 4/24/2004
hi danijel - look at "a bloody mess" in my portfolio for what can happen if you mix many drops of different color in water ;-) it is a lot of fun to experiment with these dyes!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 4/24/2004
fabio - thanks for the suggestion of lauterwasser - reminded me of something i want to do :-)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/23/2004
Hi Stefan, Again a very creative approach to composition. This truely is a triptych! I like the way of capturing the texture of the ink in water, and the title fits like a glove. The different widths of the panels is a good touch, as an evenly divided frame would've rendered the composition a bit static. Higly creative and very original work!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 4/23/2004
Fantastic work!! great composition!!! regards Jani
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 4/23/2004
excellent abstract work
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 4/23/2004
the very stuff nature's beauty made of ('making of beauty' by mrs. nature:) stefan, do you know the works of alexander lauterwasser? www.the-ocean-of-rhythm.com I'm sure you'll be fascinated by his works:)
Danijel Micka
{K:2532} 4/23/2004
You had a geat idea about ice. I also have in plan to take some photos of a dye, but I will try with an eyedropper and dye in different colours. Excellent abctract images, keep up the good work. Regards, Danijel
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 4/23/2004
nice abstract! looks great!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/23/2004
Excellent Stefan, and they work nicely together. Jeanette
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 4/23/2004
Spectacualr for idea and realization Great the choice to post it in negative! My best compliments Paolo
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/23/2004
hello Stefan.. its style is unmistakable. the nature with which every object it takes and it is born with shape and various life! this veil seems a feminine knot quite much sensuale. quite in "abstract "it can seem one negative of a color dipped in the water! also the negative of smoke of the one cigarette! it has one epsressiva large-capacity and to realization!
cheers roby
Sérgio Vieira
{K:3384} 4/23/2004
I agree with kathleen in the first part, don't know about the rest though! :) I also thing it is very finely arranged.
Best regards, Sérgio
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 4/23/2004
wonderfully beautiful..love the trio idea, love the color, love the ice cube idea. i can just imagine your house all full of your experiments..your wife trying to put ice in the drinks and gasping at the color..dishes of dye everywhere, it spills on the rug, she's had it, she goes to her mother's crying and mumbling incoherently about dye and cameras and she can't take it anymore..:)) Ooops..where was i? oh yeah, did i say gorgeous, Stefan??
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 4/23/2004
excellent experiment: the strong contrast adds some very interesting effect - as if this *icy smoke* were about to turn into some kind of fabric.
chris vasquez
{K:374} 4/23/2004
wow that looks really awesome. what a great idea that is. awesome is the only word i know that can explain this. great art
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 4/23/2004
un abstracto realmente distinto y hermoso ,te deja volar con tu imaginacion y ver distintas figuras que en el agua se dibujan . muy buen trabajo Stefan.