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Image Title:  Rest
Favorites: 1 
 By: Ana Vianna  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Ana Vianna {Karma:15270}
Project #15 Personal style & the metaphysics of art. Camera Model Sony dsc f 717
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Carl Zeiss - 13.2mm
Uploaded 3/11/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 958 Shutter 1/400s
Favorites Aperture f 6.3
Critiques 58 Rating
/ 46 Ratings
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About Thanks for your critics and comments!
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Storm is coming

Wainting for the carnival - for Gino Quatrocchi

Santa Teresa

Sunset for Orazio Ciak!

Convento das Carmelitas Descalças


Dramatic sunset

A day after - Water 11

Shines on the high tide

There are 58 Comments in 1 Pages
Pedro Barbosa Pedro Barbosa   {K:320} 3/30/2004
Muito bonita!! parabens Ana


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 3/28/2004
fantastic! Great landscape, good


Jaap Poot   {K:7926} 3/25/2004
Great picture,like the colors and mood


Maya Bylina   {K:5925} 3/17/2004
Wonderful work! Beautiful colors and point of view. Congrats!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 3/16/2004
Hi..Again..Ana : Superb Scenic Photograph! Excellent Compostion, Scenic View, and details, and Colour Saturation..Bella Vista, Ana!!!


Ps: Ana! Your Landscapes, are Beautiful to View, and it is My pleasure to Comment, I Thankyou also for you Comments for My Photographs, which I appreciate to!....your Photographic Friend, Jeff!!!


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 3/15/2004
Excellent composition I like this image of quiteness it so still. The two people and their angle are great.


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 3/15/2004
total serenity! excellent contrast, little misty feeling...


Carla Pires   {K:10713} 3/14/2004
Olá amiga Anna! Excelente esta tua foto. Parece um quadro a óleo. Cores fantásticas. Parabéns. Bjs. CP :)


Tim Bronkhorst   {K:9391} 3/14/2004
Wonderfull silent scene. Your camera (digital or scan) does seem to have some problems whit the details, looking at the rope and boats. Still there is that stunning mood I talked about before.
Greets Tim.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 3/14/2004
oi minha cara amiga...tenho meus dois seres amados dormindo e vim fazer uma visita rápida...como você muito bem disse Lucas está esgotando nós dois ...risos...não está sobrando tempo não...muito pouco sono...é realmente a mudança na vida...risos

quanto a sua foto...favorita!


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 3/14/2004
Spectacular, great place to visit.


Snehendu Kar   {K:2427} 3/14/2004
Simply beautiful..perfect technically and captivating artistically.
Where was this taken?

Thanks for your kind words.



Andrej V   {K:6693} 3/14/2004
Beautiful work Ana!


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 3/13/2004
Pristine beauty and tranquility, splendid work,


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 3/13/2004
Absolutely beautiful picture. Very restful, with a dreamy atmosphere, warm and calm colors, the fisherman in the lower right corner makes it more personal. Overall a great pleasure to look at and admire. Ana, your entire portfolio is a dream!


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 3/13/2004
Ya,looks oil paiting! Beautiful special colours and nice composition! Peace!


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 3/13/2004
Maravilhosa composição!!! Lindos tons e definição!!!!


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 3/13/2004
Marvelous composition Ana! I love the colors, light & details. Very well handled! Cheers


Inger-Lise Sundberg   {K:1048} 3/13/2004
A beautiful photo! Good light and colors,a really good composition! I see you have lots of very good photoes!
Good job!
Regards Inger-Lise


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 3/13/2004
quando ho aperto la foto per un attimo credevo di essermi sbagliato e di aver acceso il televisore..poi mi sono accorto che il mio televisore non è mai andato così bene...è fantastica e tu sei una perfetta fotografa...a hai di cose belle da far vedere


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 3/13/2004
Great view!!! So peaceful! I like the reflection of the skycolours in the water alot. Greetings,


Graciela Pierre Graciela Pierre   {K:7318} 3/13/2004
Your tropical landscapes are always wonderful. Beautiful tones and great composition. Nice reflections and sky.
Best regards from Buenos Aires


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 3/13/2004
Hallo Ana! Great this one! The water's texture looks FANTASTIC! Can be so waveless and with so big texture water?!?!?! Even the rock at the middle look very nice!


V M   {K:-1400} 3/13/2004


Romulo Lubachesky   {K:11836} 3/12/2004
Linda foto, parabéns e abraço!


Getulio Melo   {K:6481} 3/12/2004
Lindíssima composição com uma impressionante suavidade de tons, cores e textura, que já é mesmo uma marca registrada sua, Ana! Parabéns por mais esse belíssimo trabalho.


L B.   {K:13965} 3/12/2004
Thanks for all your wonderfull comments, i read them with much joy!
This is (again) a wonderfull shot. The colours are superb. It is a strange but very lovely sky. I think it is a pitty that you see a person at the left. But no hard feelings about that, even with it Excellent photo! I like the quite water, so moveless, i almost never seen it that way! My compliments..
Greets, Lex..


Augusto Buffa (Ali)   {K:10454} 3/12/2004
A "game" of colors, texture, tones absolutely wonderful! Beautiful also the scene and the atmosphere. Phenomenal you! Congrats!

Saluti dall'Italy



xy x   {K:41915} 3/12/2004
remarkable rest scene and pastel colour tones, splendid reflection and sky, magnificent composed, congrats, best regards


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 3/12/2004
Fantástica composição com ótima definição e detalhes, Anna!
Bela tonalidade de cor. Parabéns e um abraço! ..... Lucas


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 3/12/2004
Great scene dear Ana,but over all i like the tones you give to your picture.


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 3/12/2004
wonderful image, very good composition, fantastic work!
thank you the very kind helpful help, and the very kind comment!
best regards


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 3/12/2004
Ana,your art is hard to describe....fabulous photo!!!!!! Many congrats,Antonella


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 3/12/2004
What kind of critics can be here?...It's amazing landscape with your own maner and style.
Absolutely wonderful!...
Warmest regards, my friend.
I had a problem with my Internet last three days and couldn't comments your beautiful photos, thank you very much for your kind comments to me.


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 3/11/2004


Enjoy    {K:16125} 3/11/2004
WOW what a live where it is just beautiful!!!!


jon parsons   {K:13639} 3/11/2004
Ana, very lovely image my friend! lovely lovely work....jon


Alan Armanini   {K:5407} 3/11/2004
Great Capture, Beautiful Scene,
the boats, water like glass, Wonderful.
Excellent Work!!


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 3/11/2004
Delightful capture! Very, very well composed and you usually do. ?Parabéns!
Saludos, Hugo.


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 3/11/2004
Very good seascape in all its tranquility and soft colors. Well done!


Adelino Barreto   {K:12661} 3/11/2004
Linda foto,Ana!
Excelente de composição e côres.
Um abraço de parabens.


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 3/11/2004
As always, So Beautiful! Excellent framing, light and depth.
Great Work,


Annika Ekebert   {K:1741} 3/11/2004
I realy like this photo, Ana.
The colour and light is wonderful.
My compliments!


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 3/11/2004

Reflexos lindos...uma foto de espelhos suaves e naturais!

Vc é uma grande artista!



Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 3/11/2004
So beautiful! Very peaceful and lovely place! Great lighting and detail!


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 3/11/2004
Oi Ana, gostei demais do reflexo e da suavidade da luz.


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 3/11/2004
Ana, estou pensando em tornar-me doadora, não para postar um monte de imagens... mas para adicionar um monte de amigos... e valorosos fotógrafos como você.. estas suas crições são fantásticas.
O céu, os reflexos, tudo... perfeito!
Você usa filtro ou trabalha no PS tudo?
Abraços, Carmem


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 3/11/2004
Ana i tuoi lavori sono dei veri quadri sei un artista di grande livello
ogni tua foto è per me uno spettacolo


Luther Chong   {K:3585} 3/11/2004
Very Good!! This belongs on a magazine cover.., better yet, a calendr.

It would also be great in a business environment.

It's a very comfortable photo to view, relaxing.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 3/11/2004
Beautiful scene, exquisitely captured and presented.
Nice work, Ana.
Kind regards,


Emanuele Calvagno   {K:14353} 3/11/2004
wonderfull view!!!!
very good dear Ana


Giancarlo Liguori   {K:5281} 3/11/2004
Adoro fotos com céu e reflexo!

Realmente, só de olhar para a foto já relaxa.




Giulia Rinaldi   {K:3158} 3/11/2004
Bella foto!


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 3/11/2004
Ana, That's nice. Lovely composition and color. Lou


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 3/11/2004
Excellent travel photo. Nice work if you can get it.


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 3/11/2004
Once agan Ana, a gorgeous photograph!! Spectacular lighting and almost 3D looking!
I like the inclusion of the people going about their ordinary day! Very good job.

Lori :)


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 3/11/2004
This is a very peaceful scene. Great mood. Don


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 3/11/2004
unbelievable quiet in the water here! great light I suppose in the early morning and I like your choice, often used to include human in your shot




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