{K:448} 8/3/2005
I like it a lot.
zosia zija
{K:11106} 5/14/2004
Alain Gauvin
{K:17} 4/26/2004
Nice place to sit ;-) Good composition.
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 4/6/2004
this is outstanding...absolutely outstanding...
Phil M
{K:11526} 3/15/2004
Richard Montgomery
{K:1936} 2/27/2004
I don't know why I love this shot so much. I just do! :)
E.J. Billy Kim
{K:745} 2/23/2004
I remember a red couch...and some people copied him and used it in commercials...may be it was same person.......was it red??? I like odd things and this is always odd.
Andreas Wolkerstorfer
{K:5090} 2/21/2004
well centered - my first thought on this was: that the Holga full frame gives more than the viewfinder indicates (this is my experience) - and I guess you were more close to the couch ...
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 2/21/2004
living there, you need no hell to fear living in the limb :) very fine, notwithstanding john's reworking also has its undeniable merits
John Strazza
{K:11535} 2/21/2004
Tanya, this image is glorious .. so is the one with the dog ... forgive me for what i have done because i usually don't do it and don't like when others do it - but i made another print of this image .. the reason i did it is not because your print is poor - it's not, it pretty good .. more that i was thinking of the power of the "print" .. when i was in school i had many great teachers that pointed us to really think of the print and how it may effect an image .. this wonderful image of yours made me think along these lines too .. if you were a student of mine i might say - "unbelieveable image - now how do you want to present it?" this example is probably over done but points in only one of many directions ( i isloated the couch in this case ) .. my only hope or intent is to bring some though to the subject of "how we give/present our images to the world" .. do we push or pull them .. flat or contrasty - big, small etc. etc. --and whatever direction we do choose for a given image, is it convincing? etc ... again, i tread lightly on the idea of reprinting anothers work, i have great respect for you and your work and your choices .. , it's glorious ... best regards as always .. js

michelle k.
{K:16270} 2/20/2004
u and your couches hehe great, love it
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 2/20/2004
well done..roger
john amore
{K:14015} 2/20/2004
Tanya is a great shot it makes you look at its is full of interest great job John
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 2/20/2004
great shot..and ya know it kinda still looks comfortable. :)
Stephen Laszlo
{K:2086} 2/20/2004
Tanya, your work is great and I love the Holga and I especially love the shot! What a find.
Steve Cubbage
{K:452} 2/20/2004
I like the center composition. There have been some great toy camera shots tonight! This is one of them.