Helder Santos
{K:3505} 2/16/2004
Very nice indeed...
Ken Williams
{K:862} 2/5/2004
Nice shot John ...
Arbi Sinoimeri
{K:29} 2/1/2004
U know that your name is oa albanian one???? It's true...anyway...wour foto is great...i realy like it..my compliments
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/29/2004
Framing and composition are wonderful, and the sepia tone is a nice touch. You've got a good eye; keep at it, and keep dropping in here for further inspiration. ;)
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/29/2004
welcome to Usefilm.. and nice work.. brooklyn bridge is always a great place to photos!
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 1/29/2004
awesome and a great 3 weeks.. well done
Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 1/29/2004
Welcome to usefilm! This is a great image. Great perspective and beautiful toning!
F2f hhf Fhjfxd
{K:1074} 1/28/2004
welcome to usefilm adrian....great tone..very nice looking photograph..the tone adds a timeless quality to this bridge, which so fits!!
Ashok Chaudhary
{K:1728} 1/28/2004
Excellent image with a great tone. Welcome to Usefilm. keep it rolling.
Lucas B.
{K:525} 1/28/2004
Uma bela perspectiva... o ceu deu um tom diferente a imagem... Um belo trabalho Parabéns Lucas
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 1/28/2004
Very nice image...well done....welcome...happy to have you........Clifton.......
Dave Marquis
{K:2172} 1/28/2004
Welcome to Usefilm. THis is a very good picture. I like the toning a lot.
Dave www.japanish.org
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 1/28/2004
You're a born natural! Keep it up!
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 1/28/2004
Welcome at Usefilm Adrian. You have made an impressive start with this picture. The composition is good, the lightning even better and the sepia tones fits very well with the subject. Have fun here and keep on going these beautiful additions. I am looking forward to them. My best regards, Diana.
David Yates
{K:4698} 1/28/2004
Very epic looking. You're off to a great start. Welcome to Usefilm. Regards, David