lonelyness comes then is night, you alone on the road, rain, lights, long distance waiting for you. cars with people inside looks lonely too. you blink, then their lights touch your eyes. i like to travel by car in such weather. it is co cozy in warm car then rain dance its monotonous dance on the roof.
te kjo dicka me mire se te ai padhati po prape jo ndonje gje kushedi, dhe ti mos nxirr ne internet cdo foto qe shkrep, perpiqu te nxjerresh ato me te hajrit, ti e shef qe une jam gjithe ky fotograf me nam dhe akoma skam nxjerr gje ne internet-:)))))). te gjitha keto ti them per te miren tende qe te mos gabosh me se jeta eshte e poshter me njerezit dhe ste fal te tilla gabime kolosale, te pakorrigjushme, dhe mos u merzit