Wonderful this shot! I like the expression kid, so happy!!! Beautiful colors!...
Dear Dan; I'm not know that man. 5 weeks ago i pass trough the park on Toronto, riding on my bicycle, than saw that man as exact...you can see on the photo. I taking few shoots before ask to him for permission, than for...This man become to be very gentil to me, when my self starting a conversation to talk about our bear, than i'am take several shots from...He love the B&W photos. I pass to many times for the same area looking for him, for to give him a photo B&W as i promisse. But i dont see the man any more, until today. Just a day afer, i pass for te same place and i saw the doll on the branch tree. The man lived the doll on the top of the tree and desapear. Every day i can see the people like that. I take several shots, but some persons dont like to be photographed. Several are homeless,s. I have more shots... Wee needed to be calm and try to talk to some persons for accepted the permission,s. Pay?...not necessary, but if you give some changes is better...or be carefuly. Depends the person...Try or forgett!... Hug Amancio
I really like this, what i like is the way the end of the tunnel is positioned, gives it more depth, and also the cute little girl with the huge smile!